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The silence was deafening. Marlyn stare at the door, she heard everything. Everything little thing a part of her head afraid to look at the man standing in front of her. But the fact that he is hurt crunched her stomach. She did not know what to do or say. Austin walked straight towards the bathroom. She let out her breath gulping down as she hear the water run. Marlyn curled up into a ball.

After a while the door opened, she clutch her knees. Austin walked straight upto her. He stand their infront of her for a while. When she did not react at all he crouch down at her softly touching her. She flinched.

"Don't touch me" the words where out before she could stop her self. Austin froze his hand dropped. He looked down for a bit befor closing his eyes.

"I am sorry" Marlyn said.

He shake his head chuckiling at her sorry. It's his fault that she reacted this way he could not hold it against her. Not only that she have every right to tell him off after what he did. Marlyn looked at him her heart dropped to her stomach, he was wearing his white coat. Is he going back to the clinic?

"I am not his mother neither Austin is his father" Marlyn said. Austin flinched at her words.

"He does not need to keep me locked just to make me stay. All he needs to do is ask me and I will stay" Marlyn glare at Clarissa, both Austin and Clarissa stare at her shocked.

Austin does not know what was going through her head. She give him her trust without asking after what he did. Clarissa is right, it's all his fault if only.. But he know what he needs to do. She does not deserve this.

"Marlyn" He called her. She flinched before looking at him, her eyes held an uncertainty that pierced him.

"I am not going to say I am sorry" Austin said closing his eyes before opening them.

"After what I did saying sorry does not change anything" Austin gulped down sighing. Marlyn smiled as a tear trickled down her cheek.

"But what I did to you is not right. And saying sorry would not take your hurt away or what I did away"

"Where are you going with this Austin?" Marlyn asked at last his words are hurting her more. He audibly sighed.

"That's why I.. I have decided that it's best if we.. if we let go of this" Austin said his voice broke a bit but he knows this is the only way left. He could not let go of the past even if Clarissa, Cassandra and everyone tell him that he is holding in to past. Even he knows, he is holding on to that past but letting go is not option for him. Not after Antonio dragged him into this world again. Tears filled her eyes as she bite her lips to keep it in. She looked down, a shiver ran down her spine. She rapidly blinked her eyes, breathing fast. It took a while but Marlyn composed herself.

"Y..You won't give me an option. Right?" Marlyn asked her voice soft. It was not a question not for her at least.

"No" Austin said, he could not see her getting hurt over and over for him, because of him.

Marlyn keep quiet after that gulping down. Does not he feel anything? Why after all this years she is still stuck with the same question? She rubbed her eyes sighing.

"Alright" Austin froze for a beat before nodding his head stiffly.

"Tomorrow morning I will pick you up" Austin said turning and leaving her there. Marlyn stare at the door watching him walk away.

"Don't.... go" Her words came out as a painful whisper. He did not look back as he walked out breaking her heart even more. She blinked her tear filled eyes.

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