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The ruffling sound of the blanket was slowly making it's way into Louis' brain as he still was almost fully asleep. Soft kisses on the skin of his shoulder and neck made him shift a bit as he was brought into the real life more. He made a quiet sound, shifted a bit more into the warm chest in front of him.

"Good morning", he heard a low whisper, made an unhappy sound.

"What the fuck"

Harry had to chuckle, hugged him closer as he pressed another kiss on his shoulder.

"What a nice way to say good morning to your boyfriend"

This put a smile on Louis' lips as he still had pressed his face into the taller man' chest with his eyes closed.

"Good morning, boyfriend"

Hugging the small man that had cuddled onto his chest as always in his sleep, he talked on with a whisper.

"Sorry to wake you up, but I wanted to ask you something"

"What time is it?", he heard a mumble.


"I fucking hate you"

Harry let out a quiet laugh, before his eyes looked outside again through the big windows.

"Just wanted to ask if I can go for a run...?"

"Harry. Close your eyes and go back to sleep. You're probably sleepwalking; otherwise I can't explain this"

"I'm not. When was the last time I was able to have a run in the forest while being safe? It's been months. Would it be safe if I do that here?"

There came no answer from Louis at first. Just after a few seconds, he heard a soft groan.

"What is wrong with you?"

But instead of waiting for an answer, he sighed and cuddled Harry more.

"It's very safe, yes"

"I'd go for a run then, okay?"

"You can just not come back"

Harry grinned and bit into his skin, making Louis make a sound as he shifted at this.

"Please inform Liam, though. He can locate you with the sensors around the forest and tell you where to go on your way back"

"Okay. Thanks"

With a quick kiss, he already tried to slide away. Louis whined a bit, but was too tired to fight more as Harry kissed his hand, before standing up. Louis' eyes were still closed, but he of course noticed Harry missing. It was less warm now, so he made himself a bit smaller and cuddled the blanket. Harry meanwhile was sneaking out of the room and closed the door carefully.


With a big smile on his lips, Harry stopped at the stairs that lead to the big entrance door of the house. He loved to go for a run outside. And the forest was so pretty, although the weather was cloudy and it looked like it would start raining soon. But therefore it also wasn't too hot, so it was okay.

After thanking Liam over his bracelet for the help guiding him back and making sure he was safe, he used the stairs to stretch his muscles a bit. It felt so good to be outside and to still be safe. He wished he could just stay here for a while and be safe and enjoy life for a bit.

Although it had been fun, his heart already craved to see a certain someone, so he made his way up the stairs. He didn't know if Louis was already awake now, but he would also just cuddle him a bit more after a shower.

Lover || Mafia!Larry || 2 ||Where stories live. Discover now