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Yeah, Louis was everything Harry wanted. And yet it was normal that he also had missed his friend. Just like yesterday, when he had been happy about Kendall's visit, he was happy to talk to Niall again. Meanwhile, Mrs. Vendler had seen about his injuries, but his hand was still okay and everything was fine with the other injuries as well. Apart from that, the two men had been outside for a while, were now back inside again, and had searched through the TV channels. Finally, they had stopped at a show on Disney Channel. Oops. So they didn't even realize how late it was. Only when the door opened and they heard high heels, they looked away from the TV and saw that it was already dark outside.


They both looked at Louis, who looked back and forth between the two in amazement. Then the viewers in the show laughed, so the oldest looked at the screen.

"Why are you watching Zack&Cody?"

"You know that?", Niall sat up enthusiastically.

"I didn't know it was still on this channel", Louis meanwhile murmured, before he blinked and looked at the two.

"Niall, are you still here or again here?"


Louis shook his head in disbelief. They really had searched and found each other. Harry himself smiled when he saw Louis for the first time today in his light pink dress. It looked so pretty.


Louis now noticed the look, returned it with a smile.


So he stood there for a few seconds, both just looking at each other, both noticing how they had missed the other, even though they had last seen each other the day before.

Before they were interrupted.

"Are these for me?!"

Louis quickly pulled the pizza boxes away when Niall tried to reach for them.

"Certainly not"

Niall pouted and Louis rolled his eyes, walked to the bed.

"We'll share mine, I'm not very hungry anyway. If I had known you were still in here, I'd have ordered three pizzas"

Satisfied, Niall nodded and made some room on the bed. Worried, Harry kept on looking at Louis as the smaller one sat down.

"Is everything okay?", he asked, stroking the fabric of the dress on Louis' thigh. Louis sighed and nodded, opening the pizza box.

"One is with tomato mozzarella and -"


Louis now looked at him questioningly while Niall already had the first slice of pizza in his mouth. Worried, Harry looked at his face. Louis looked incredibly tired.

"If you want, you can go to bed. You don't have to be here. It's been a busy day for you, hasn't it?"

Louis was silent for a moment. But then he shook his head.

"Yes, it was, but... actually, I just want to be here"

He looked down briefly, interlocking their hands before pressing it briefly tighter to confirm. This made Harry smile, which the elder replied. Louis probably didn't know how happy this made Harry. Not just the feeling of holding his hand and having him with him, but simply the fact that Louis allowed it to happen, took Harry's hand and wanted to hold it. That only made him happier.

He then sighed softly and contentedly before Louis looked back at his friend who happily ignored the dating two men and ate his pizza.

"Niall, you can have my pizza"

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