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"You know what I thought about?"

Asking, Louis hummed as he put his head on Harry's shoulder. It made him think of the moment in Germany, when the taller had been upset about what other people would think about this. But now Harry was his boyfriend and the only one seeing this was Liam, who was in the driver's seat, already had seen worse. It made Louis feel warm, while he cuddled even closer to the younger.

"Have you ever heard from Rita again?"

First, Louis didn't react. But Harry noticed how his previously relaxed body tensed up at the question. Then the mafia leader sat up to look at his boyfriend.

"Why did you think of her?"

"Well, because of Dan...?"

The silence in the car even made Liam look into the back-mirror to check on Louis, who was looking anywhere but at his boyfriend at the topic of Dan's ex. Harry was the first to break the uncomfortable quietness.

"After all... she was in your friends-group, but it seems like everyone's just ignoring everything Dan did"

"I think things changed when one of our closest friends died"

At the snappy voice of Louis, Harry turned more to the smaller man. The last thing he had wanted was to hurt or provoke him.

"I just was curious and thought about her after not doing so for a long time. I mean she sure was hurt and after everything that happened in Jackson's villa, we never heard anything from her again"

"I'm glad about that", Louis answered, felt bad for seriously saying this with a cold voice.

"And that she isn't threatening me or anything. Dan told me a few things about her and I can be sure she could have reacted differently"

"What did he say?"

Not very comfortable with the topic, Louis shifted a bit. Then he sighed as he looked to Harry.

"He just told me more about Rita; some things that I didn't know about her before. Apparently, she had some psychological issues and fears about loss and also had a history with this in her family"

"And then he decided to cheat?!"

"We don't have to talk about if Dan was being an asshole. But we talked about it and I made clear that I see him differently now and won't forget that. Nevertheless, just like with Jackson, I have to move on and decide; the group with them or nothing at all. And I decided, just like you told me to"

Harry was a bit speechless, didn't now what to answer, didn't even know what to think about this. He watched his boyfriend turning his face away fully to look out of the window on his side. On one hand, Harry knew Louis tried to be cold and focus more on his group, on himself, his current life and Quen. On the other hand, it was wrong to not also think of Rita... right?

"Don't you want to contact her to at least check up on her...? I mean, does she even know Quen died? They seemed to get along; after all, Quen ran after her when Rita got to know about you and Dan"

"I don't know if she knows. But I also know that it probably would be wrong to contact her and to bring this all up again. Moreover, it would be another loss she'd have to process"

"Oh... that's true", Harry answered unsure.

"Sometimes it's better to keep quiet. I think for Rita, the best is to start a new life and to not be reminded of this by me texting her 'How it's going' after I slept with her ex and then also add 'Oh and by the way, Quen died because of me'"

"Lou, nothing that happened had to do -"

"And you think she cares?!"

Louis sighed after he had turned to Harry, who was slightly shocked at the sudden answer.

Lover || Mafia!Larry || 2 ||Where stories live. Discover now