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The outdoor area of the house had a ground made of stones and provided space for a fireplace, a barbecue and several chairs. The patio was towards the hills so the view was amazing, showed the wooded hills, behind which the sun had now set, bathed the sky in a pink-orange light.

 The patio was towards the hills so the view was amazing, showed the wooded hills, behind which the sun had now set, bathed the sky in a pink-orange light

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Harry and Louis had sat down on one of the couches, which was placed a bit away from the fireplace, turned towards the view of course. But the view wasn't what both focused on really.

"Oh my god, your curls!", Louis said with a laugh as he took the phone of Harry, which showed a picture of his boyfriend when he had been younger. He still leaned against the taller, legs over Harry's lap, but wasn't cuddling onto him anymore, but leaned his right shoulder onto the back rest.

"You look so adorable! Look at that smile"

Harry only chuckled.

"This was on my 17th birthday"

"You look younger than 17", his boyfriend answered, while still looking at the picture.

"You look like a different person without those tattoos and muscles"

Then he laughed, when he looked at his hands.

"And your hands look way too big for your little body"

"I grew into them I guess"

Louis laughed more, while swiping on in the gallery. Surprised, he stopped at a picture that showed him in swim shorts.

"Oh... mmh", he said, zooming in to his abs.

"Puberty started to hit, huh?"

Harry laughed, while he rolled his eyes.

"Maybe, but it hit even more after that. This pic is from when I was 18, I guess. A year later, I looked a lot differently"

"You started with tattoos", Louis noted as he saw that his upper body hadn't been completely without tattoos anymore that time.

"Yeah; wait"

With that, Harry took his phone and looked through his gallery. Because of the fact that he worked for DEATH, every photo he took got saved in his own account. Nobody was able or allowed to go through his gallery of course, but in the beginning, Harry had felt stalked. But actually... for everyone who thought this would bother them: Snapchat owns your nudes you take with their camera. So... at least he knew every single one of his photos were safe.

"This was the time every person I hadn't seen for a while was telling me the usual 'you changed so much' speak"

He chuckled at the memory and showed him another picture that showed the taller a while after the previous picture. Louis didn't answer, just opened his mouth, which closed then again.

"That... that's how you looked with 19?"

"Uhm, yeah...?"

Harry's voice got asking in the end, because Louis' reaction was quite strange. In trance, the smaller took his phone, looked at the picture. Back then, Harry had styled his curls differently than on the older photos. His face had gotten more defined and his green eyes seemed more piercing than on his younger pictures.

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