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They had laid like that for a while; Louis didn't know for how long, he could have passed out for a few minutes and wouldn't know. He managed to open his eyes after his brain had finally gotten enough oxygen after the small man had taken many deep breaths with closed eyes and still body.

Meanwhile, Harry had also caught deep breaths, mind slowly coming back to the real world. For the last few minutes, he had stared up to the ceiling, had given his mouth and tongue a well deserved rest while having time to breathe again.

"Your dick sparkles"

Harry chuckled dryly, before his hand swiped over his mouth.

"So does my mouth for sure; I probably ate a lot of lube"

He heard a soft giggle that got muffled into his skin.

"Gonna remember that for when I wanna poison you"

Normally Harry would laugh, but he sat up a bit when he noticed how quiet and wrecked Louis' voice was. He still sounded so far gone. And his assumption got confirmed when Louis immediately tensed up when he sat up.

"No, don't leave, Haz"

"I'm right here, Lou", Harry said, stroked his back carefully.

"Can you turn around so I can check up on you?"

Louis made a soft noise, but seemed to listen, fell to the side with a dump sound. Harry sat up and followed him, leaned over his boyfriend, who immediately threw his hands into his neck as soon as he could reach it.

They laid on the bed the other way around, but both didn't care. Harry held his weight on his hand next to Louis' shoulder, could take a look at Louis' eyes that still looked a bit dizzy, before the smaller pressed his face into Harry's neck.

"Mmmh", the elder hummed happily and also wrapped his legs around Harry.

"I don't know, this is so nice", he whispered, pressed Harry fully onto him. The taller smiled softly, placed a kiss onto the skin he was being pressed against. His hand caressed his waist soothingly.

"How are you feeling, Lou?"

It took a few seconds for Harry's boyfriend to answer, after he only had hummed again.

"I don't know. I'm good and light, Haz"

Harry smiled more; apparently, Louis had entered a slight bit of subspace, because of the hard orgasm and the exhaustion after this whole thing with being tied up and choked. To check his face and maybe give him some kisses, he lifted his head.

There just was a small sound of disagreement from Louis, before Harry let out a muffled noise as he got pulled back down, face bumping back into his boyfriend's neck.

"No", Louis just stubbornly said and cuddled him tighter with his arms and legs.


Sighing, Harry rubbed his nose against Louis' skin and let the smaller hug him like this; he would just press some kisses onto his neck then. And he could use the time to calm down more. His lust and madness had gotten replaced by exhaustion; but also by adoration and a big heart, because Louis had trusted him so much, had let go so much and had even slipped into subspace. He of course had noticed how far gone Louis had been, but Harry himself had been gone as well and now that his view was clearing up more and more, he noticed how much Louis had trusted him and had let go.

"You're amazing, Lou", he said with those thoughts, wrapped his arms around his middle.

"This was so good"

Louis, still in the light world, where his head was completely empty and the only thing he had in mind was his boyfriend and how nice he felt, blinked a few times. The voice of Harry calmed him and made him come back a bit more.

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