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The silence was quite uncomfortable for Harry, who still tried to push away the old feelings, the old panic from the past when he had been in this situation. And the doubts about himself, how he should have behaved. Until this day, he didn't know if there had been a way to save Quen and Louis at the same time.

But just like Louis, Harry had to stop that; it was wrong to wonder about who was more important and what should have been differently. It was the way it was. And it was how Quen had decided.

So he tried to push away those thoughts for now and instead wondered about what story he wanted to tell.

"I didn't know Quen as long as you did. But even though it only was a short time, I think I got to know her quite well"

"Definitely", Louis nodded.

"She didn't open up like this to everyone, the time doesn't matter. She opened up to you more than to people she knew for a very long time"

"Yeah, I don't know what it was", Harry frowned at the thought.

"At first, it only was this joking of hers and the way she always made fun of me in a Quen-way"

The others chuckled at the memories of her behavior. And they all had noticed how Quen had treated 'Henry'.

"But the closer I got to Lou, I also got closer to her. We shared the same worry about him I guess"

Harry had to grin a bit as he looked to his boyfriend, who shook his head with a soft smile while looking down.

"There were many funny moments with her and also moments we talked serious, either about Louis or about her past. She didn't tell me much, but some things she actually told me"

"That's already surprising for her", Niall said.

"Yes... whatever it was; at some point, we were quite close in some ways. At least as close as it is possible with Quen; I think instead of calling me a normal person, she would have called me a friend"

"That's a lot", Taylor laughed.

"But I don't know what memory I'd choose for this...", Harry said, then was silent for a bit. Many memories came into his mind, just like her smile, her crazy laugh and her dirty grin when she made a dirty remark about Harry and Louis.

Then he saw her fearless face when she killed the people from LIFE, while keep on talking to Harry, who had followed her amazed. And suddenly, he saw her expression the last time she had looked at him. He swallowed.

"The moment I met her the first time is quite important to me, because I was so overwhelmed by her character and she immediately called me 'Henry' and was so crazy and always teased Louis"

"I remember how fucked up I was", Louis nodded, had to giggle at the memory then.

"I remember how supportive and careful she always was when it came to Louis", Harry talked on with a small smile.

"But I guess the moment I think a lot is one we shared when we were in Jackson's house"

"This house really became special", Niall noticed.

"Well, it was the last time we saw her", Taylor said.

"And although it was fucked up, it was the last time we were in a group together"

There were many memories about this house, but Louis had to smile in that moment. Because he immediately thought about his own story he had told, thought about the moment he had talked with Quen on the terrace.

"It was the time me and Quen started to talk more privately; she often had talked to me about Louis and I had noticed that I, uhm, liked him more, which made her encourage me to tell him"

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