✨twenty four✨

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✨ "be with someone you makes you a priority, not an option"

It was a wonderful evening and Brynn had spent her time FaceTiming with Davina and Gabi

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It was a wonderful evening and Brynn had spent her time FaceTiming with Davina and Gabi.

"How's the magic going? Learned any new spells?"

"Yeah, right. Marcel doesn't want me to practice anymore; he says I'll burn the building down." The witch responds.

"Oh please, he loves you. He'll let you practice tomorrow." Gabi mutters from her spot on the bed while painting her toenails.

"I know. But I wish you were here, Brynn. It's not the same without you."

"I know, love. I just have to take care of some business and I'll be back soon."

"Business? What kind of business?" Gabi asks.

"The kind that will get me freedom from my siblings."

Both of the girls look over at Brynn through the screen. They didn't know a lot about the Mikaelson family, only a few rumors and the times Brynn complains about them. They were both eager but hesitant to learn a little about Brynn's siblings, but they knew if she talked about them, it's important to listen.

"There's just this girl that is important to Nik, so in return for my freedom, I just have to watch over her for a while."

"Really? That's it?" From what little information Marcel has told them, Gabi didn't think Niklaus would be so . . . Compliant.

"Yeah. So I won't have to be around them unless I want to be; he'll keep me out of his business and stay out of mine."

"Sounds like a good deal," Davina says. "Let's just see if he'll actually pull through."

"He better, or I'll-"

Brynn stops, squinting at the screen that was now being overtaken by her brothers face.

"Girls, I'm going to have to call you back."

"Okay, love you Brynn!"

She ends the call, sighing as she lifts the phone to her ear. "Yes, Nik?"

"Mother took Elena and the rest of us are trapped on the school. I need you to go meet Matt and Jeremy at the cemetery to retrieve her."

She blinks. Her brain was trying to process the words Nik was throwing at her, but when he mentioned her mother, it made no sense.

"What are you talking about?"

"We all are at the dance and learned that dear mother switched bodies with Rebekah . She wants to make Alaric and his evil twin an original so he can kill us."

And to think she actually mourned the death of this woman. After all the tears she's shed and moments she spent missing her. . . That bitch.

It's crazy to think that Esther thought Brynn wouldn't do anything. But in her defense, she thought Brynn had left town by now. Little did she know that her youngest daughter was lurking in the shadows.

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