✨forty three✨

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✨ "life is a like a piano. the white keys represent happiness and the black shows sadness. but as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys still make music."

She can't find him anywhere

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She can't find him anywhere. Brynn is tired of running across town because her boyfriend failed to pick up his cell phone. It is absolutely ridiculous and she doesn't have the patience for it.

See? This is why it would've been easier for Brynn to go instead of Damon. She should've argued that her being sangry- sad and angry- would've benefited them. She wouldn't second guess things and was in the mood for ripping hearts out.

What was the problem?

The problem is that Damon thinks he has the right to protect her. To an extent, he does. But Brynn has been in this game longer than he's been alive; she knows how to handle herself and next time she won't make the mistake of listening to him.

It's been hours and her feet hurt; she learned a long time ago that beauty is pain, so you would think she would not be complaining. But unfortunately, when Brynn put on these shoes, she never thought she'd be running around town.

She walks downtown, letting out a breath of relief as the grill comes into view. Thank God. Damon can wait. She wants a big ass glass of whiskey. Hell, she'll take the whole bottle. Or the whole bar.

Anything to get her mind off of Isaiah.

God, even saying his name hurt her. When did she become so soft?

She slams the door open, ignoring the stench of stupidness and sweat.


She groans, shifting her eyes over to Matt practically sprinting towards her. "Whatever it is, no."


"Do you not understand English? Because I'm pretty sure I wasn't speaking Japanese."

"Damon was compelled by-"

"Hold that thought." Brynn huffs as the phone in her pocket rings. Maybe she should just hide in a bunker somewhere with an unlimited amount of booze and a season of Teen Wolf. Maybe then she wouldn't be bothered every two seconds. "What?" She barks into the phone.

"Kol just tried to kill me."

She rolls her eyes at Rebekah, sending Matt a glare that can kill as he opens his mouth to speak. "So? He tries to kill us all the time."

"No, Braylen, he tried to kill me. Permanently."

Brynn pales. Oh God. Could this day get any worse? And no, that's not a challenge!

"What did you do?"

"He's worried about raising Silas."

Silas. Brynn hasn't given it any thought. "Well, he isn't completely wrong."

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