✨ forty eight part one ✨

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"If it doesn't open, it's not your door"

✨"If it doesn't open, it's not your door" ✨

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"The rest of your life...sired to Damon."

"I guess we'll have to deal with that when I get home. Oh my god...Home. Klaus. Bonnie's spell isn't gonna hold him."

"And after what we did to Kol, if we don't ram that cure down his throat, he'll kill us all."

"What about Brynn?"

"She wanted to give the cure to you."

"But what about Rebekah? Why would she betray her own sister for me?"

"She said Rebekah has already lived her life, and you should have a chance to live yours." Stefan pauses. "Brynn isn't as bad as everyone makes her out to be. She puts on this facade in front of us, but in reality, she's just like the rest of us. And Damon. . . I think he's changing her."

"Enough to get her to stop coming after us? Brynn is obviously still mad about Kol; it's as if she's just waiting for the perfect moment to-"

"That bitch." Stefan and Elena both look back to see Brynn getting up off of the ground.

How much of the conversation had she heard?


"She's not getting it. Over my dead body." She looks over at Elena and Stefan, noticing their tense expressions, but she doesn't have time. No way in hell Rebekah will get the cure; not after what she did. "I'll meet you guys there."


"You're slowing me down." Brynn says to Elena. "You and Stefan do whatever you need to do." Brynn isn't an idiot; she knows the two of them were having a heart to heart before she woke up. Elenas face says it all.

She doesn't need their emotions clouding their judgment. Granted that Brynn is kind of letting her emotions control her, specifically her anger; but in this situation, her anger will only help them.

She sends them one last one before speeding away.


She found it. The chamber. All hell is about to break loose and to be honest, Brynn wants to feel the blood slip through her fingers. She wants to snap a neck, or to have the satisfaction of watching as their eyes roll into the back of their head as they realize their heart is gone.

She missed the rage, the excitement, the control she had over her victims. And although she isn't allowed to go on killing sprees anymore, this is an opportunity to do. . . Something.

Brynn runs in to see Rebekah knocked out on the floor and Damon with a vervain rope around his neck.

Dammit! Brynn wanted to knock her sister out, but her revenge would have to wait.

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