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✨ "I'm a simple person who likes long walks in the book aisle."

"Oh my God

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"Oh my God."

Contrary to what people believe, Brynn has known fear in her life. They assume because she's an Original, she has nothing to be scared of.

Oh, how utterly wrong that assumption was.

With Elijah explaining to her what happened over the phone, her stomach dropped.


She understood Niklaus's concern over the matter. In fact, she had agreed with Kol when he said Silas should never be resurrected. But she stood by the Salvatore's.

She ignored her gut,  going with her moral compass instead. She should've shoved those emotions right back down where it came from. Being with Damon has made her soft, and now look what happened.

"Kol was right. We should've prevented this. But we were so selfish-"

"It's done, Braylen. There's nothing we can do about it now. Get some sleep. It's going to be a long couple of days." Elijah hangs up the phone, leaving Brynn wide eyed in her room.

Damn, Silas.

She sighs, throwing her phone on her nightstand. She needed to deal with this. She needed to talk not only to her siblings, but to Damon.

She missed him. She really, really didn't want to. She established that her emotions persuaded her actions when she was with him, but she didn't want to go back to being heartless.

No, instead there needed to be a balance in between the two. It would just take a while to find it.

Ugh, trying to be a decent person was so hard.

She rubs her eyes, letting out a yawn. Guess it was time to be an adult and get up.

She slides off her bed, grabbing a pair of jeans and a form fitting blouse before putting on some regular black heels. She heads over to the bathroom, searching through her make up to pick the perfect armor for today.

Nothing special, just some simple eye liner, mascara, and lipgloss. 

The last thing she wanted was for Damon to think she dressed up for him. Which may or may not be true, but that's not the point.

Her phone bings. She reaches over to grab it off the counter, a small smile reaching her face as she sees who it is.

She swipes the screen. "Damon."

"Before you say anything, I just want to apologize. Again. I'm sorry and I will never, ever make that mistake again."


"I know that you're still mad but. . . Wait a second." He pauses, as if what he heard her say was wrong. "Okay? As In-"

"As in if you mess up one more time, we're done."

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