✨thirty one✨

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"I got trust issues because people got lying issues"

✨ "I got trust issues because people got lying issues" ✨

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That was all she said. She didn't have to say anything else. Sure, she knew Rebekah was in her feelings and depressed about their brother being dead, but she didn't care.

She singlehandedly ended Elena's life. Literally.

"Now isn't the time, Brynn."

"Are you sure? Because I think it's a great time."

"Oh, don't act so innocent, Braylen!" She turns around. "You stabbed Elijah and bashed my head against a tree, for God's sake!"

"Because you were going to kill someone who didn't deserve to die! Don't you have even a little bit of humanity left?"

"Humanity? Like the humanity Stefan had when he killed Finn and tried to stab you? Or when you stood and watched as the Salvatore brothers helped killed Niklaus? Or how-"

"That's enough."

"Is it? I don't know what's going on with you, but you've been acting differently, and frankly, I don't like it."

Brynn rolls her eyes. "Don't try and make this about me."

"What happened to you?" Brynn tenses, but she tried not to let it show as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Nothing happened to me, Rebekah."

"Something did. Ever since you came back from London. I've heard stories, Brynn. Why you went to London in the first place and how much you changed when you came back. So tell me, dear sister, what has got your panties in a twist."

No. She wasn't in the mood to stroll down memory lane. "It is none of your concern. We haven't seen each other in ages; don't pretend like you know me."

They stare at each other. Blue verses blue. Rebekah caves first, turning around and continuing to look at Niklaus's drawings.

She reaches out and glides her fingers over the ink.

"I don't want to fight with you, Brynn." She moves onto the next painting. "I don't have any fight left anymore. Nik, he's. . . Gone."

Okay, now Brynn felt bad. She didn't mean to lash out at her sister, but Rebekah had to realize how badly she messed up. Elenas life was ruined because she wanted revenge.

"I know, Becks. But what you did. . . You ruined her life."

"Like her and her friends haven't ruined ours?" Rebekah runs back around, tears shining in her eyes as she looks at her sister. "We lost our brother, Brynn. He's gone."

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