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"before you do me wrong just make sure you'll never need me again"

✨ "before you do me wrong just make sure you'll never need me again" ✨

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   Go, it'll be fun, they said. You need to get out of the house, they said. Have a drink with your brother, they said.

No. It wasn't fun, she didn't need to get out of the house, and the last thing she needed was to listen to Finn and Sage gush over each other.

But here she was. Her body weak and in a fog of remembrance. All she could think about was Malcom and that cellar. All the events that happened in London came back to her as soon as she saw the pile of Damon's blood.

It looked so good, but Brynn had done a good job of controlling her blood lust. But just because she could control it now didn't mean that she didn't remember what caused her to quit in the first place. 

"Finally." Sage's voice brings her back to the present. The blonde waiter, also known as Matt, placed two shots of tequila on the table. Matt slides the two drinks on the table to Sage and Finn, but keeps the third one in his hand as he passes it directly to Brynn.

"Thanks, love." Brynn mumbles, not noticing that the two drinks Sage and Finn had were spiked with vervain. Not that vervain would do much to thousand year vampires, but it was enough to grab their attention.

Matt gives the blonde a look before subtly glancing back at Stefan. Stefan nods, heading to the door of the grill before making sure the vampires drank their shots.

Stefan had a dark cloud over his head as soon as he saw Brynn with Finn and Sage. He hasn't planned on her being there, but if she was, then he'd have to make do. This was their only shot of ending it and as much as it hurt to kill Brynn, he had to. To save Elena.

Right before Finn puts the drink to his lips, Matt comes over. "Hey, Brynn, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Brynn raises a brow, surprised. "Sure." She downs her drink real quick and waits for Sage to let her out of the booth.

She walks over to Matt as he leads her to where the pool tables are. "I heard you aren't a fan of the Salvatores anymore."

As soon as that sentence comes out of his mouth Brynn wants to roll her eyes. "Is that why you wanted to talk? To get me to forgive the Salvatores for wanting me in a casket?"

"You have to understand," Matt's eyes flicker to where Finn had drank the vervain spiked drink. Finns eyes glance at Brynn but then follow Stefan out of the grill. "It isn't about you."

"No, it's only about killing my siblings, but since we're all linked it's like killing six birds with one stone, am I right?"

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