✨twenty nine- part two✨

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"the best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do"

✨ "the best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do" ✨

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She finally managed to outrun Alaric. Between her vision being blurry from all the tears she shed and her legs being tired from running, she was a wreck.

But she managed to find Elijah in the woods.

"Elijah," she chokes out between her sobs. "He's gone. I'm sorry. I tried to stop him but I-"

"It's okay, Braylen." He walks over to her, pulling her into his arms and letting her cry into his chest. He even let her get tears and snot on his suit. He backs away from her, looking into her eyes. "We have to stay strong or the rest of our family will end up like him."

His words were harsh, but they were what she needed to hear.

She nods, wiping under her eyes.

"Tyler Lockwood is dead, but the rest survived. Rebekah said that Niklaus turned their bloodline."

Brynn tried to rack her brain for information involving the Salvatore brothers. She remembered from long ago that Katherine and both of Brynn's brothers had a little. . . Disagreement . She was ninety nine percent sure that Niklaus had changed Katherine, and Brynn knew first hand that Katherine changed the Salvatores.

"I thought he did."

"Well, it wasn't me and it wasn't Kol or Rebekah."

"It wasn't me, Elijah. I think it was Nik."

"Then how are they still alive?"

She shakes her head. She didn't know, but she was happy that Stefan and Damon were okay.

"Where's Niklaus?"

Elijah and Brynn turn around to see Rebekah walking towards them. And just like that, the waterworks start again.

Rebekah stops, looking between her and Elijah. It took her a second, but she figured it out.

"No. No! He can't be dead, he's Niklaus! It. . ." She looks back at Brynn. Brynn wouldn't be acting like this unless Niklaus's was. . .

"Oh God."

"As much as I want to spend time to mourn our brother, we have another problem at hand." Neither sister says anything, so he continues. "Rebekah, I need you to call Stefan and let him know the deal is off."

"Wait. . . Elijah-" Brynn wipes her eyes, again. She knew what her siblings were thinking, and as much as she would miss Niklaus, she couldn't do what they were thinking. "We can't-"

"I know how fond you have grown over Elena, but it's us or them. We've survived for thousands of years, and we aren't stopping now because of a mere human."

"But Elijah-"

"Don't get in our way, Braylen. I know how much you have changed over the years, but I will do what I have to do to save our family. And so will Rebekah."

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