✨thirty three- part one✨

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✨"they talk about you because when they talk about themselves, nobody listens"

✨"they talk about you because when they talk about themselves, nobody listens" ✨

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She hates the grill. The last time she was here she apologized for hurting Matt's hand and offered to compel him health insurance. It still smelled like beef and sweat. Ugh, gross.

She scans the room and almost immediately, her eyes collide with Damon's. He gives her a small smile, waiting as she makes her way over to him and Elena.

"What's up?"

Elena looks over at Damon, who nods back to her. She sighs, standing up and taking Brynn's hand before dragging her into the bathroom.

"What are you-" she looks back at Damon, who doesn't give her any insight into what's going on.

When they get into the bathroom Elena shuts the door behind them, locking it.

"Umm, I'm sorry, sweetie, but I'm not into this type of stuff."

"No, that's not- that's not why I brought you here." She sighs, running her hand through her hair in obvious frustration.

"What's up?"

"Stefan has been trying to teach me how to hunt and feed off of animals but I can't keep anything down."

"No shocker there. You're a newbie vampire; you need the strong stuff to get you started. But wait. . ." She pauses, looking at the girl in realization. "You think that you can keep my blood down?"

Elena shrugs. "I mean. . . You're an Original. Maybe your blood will be different."

"And what does Stefan think about this?"

"He doesn't know." Elena sighs at Brynn's pointed stare. "I know, I just don't want to disappoint Stefan."

Brynn sighs. "Look, Elena, I get it. Disappointing someone you love sucks, but this isn't about him. It's about you. Bunny blood doesn't work for everyone."

"Does it work for you?"

Okay, now they are stepping into dangerous territory. She can't explain why she doesn't feed from the vein if she can't tell her about London.

"No. It doesn't." Elena waits for her to elaborate; clearly she needs more convincing- which is why Damon called her. "I was put into a situation that made me realize I didn't want to be the type of vampire that took advantage of people. I didn't like relying on blood to keep me sane. So, I drink three blood bags a week from the hospital."

"Really? Only three?"

"It helps that I'm an Original, so I don't need as much to keep me going. But yes, only three." She sees the hope in Elenas eyes, so she immediately shoots it down. "Don't get so hopeful, love. There's a long road ahead of you to get to where I am. For now, you just need to drink from the vein."

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