✨twenty nine- part one ✨

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"✨The axe forgets. The tree remembers"

It was no secret to anyone with a pair of working eyeballs that Brynn's favorite sibling had always been Kol

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It was no secret to anyone with a pair of working eyeballs that Brynn's favorite sibling had always been Kol. He had always taken her under his wing, not only showing guidance like Elijah, or danger and mischief like Klaus, but both. He taught her valuable lessons, but also taught her how to embrace her vampire side.

So yeah, she favored Kol a lot more. But in Kol's absence and Klaus being daggered in a box, Elijah was the only one of her brothers here, and she did enjoy his presence. Just not all the time.

"What are you doing here?" Brynn asks, pulling her brother in for a hug.

"I'm here to make a deal."


As soon as Elijah, Elena, Stefan, Matt, and Brynn were in the living room, Elijah explains his offer.
"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the Earth and Alaric will follow us."

Brynn's eyes widen. How dare he think that she would just drop everything and agree to the godawful plan! She had a life, maybe not here, but she had people back in New Orleans that would miss her absence. And she would hopefully think Damon would miss her too; especially after he stuck by her when she had a death wish yesterday.

"Elijah, you can't just decide for all of us!?Have you even talked to Rebekah or Kol about this?"

"Rebekah has spent most of her life running from our father; I doubt she'll mind doing it again, and I'm fairly certain Niklaus doesn't want to die."


"I can't just do that. If Brynn doesn't want to, I'm not doing it." Elenas words shocked the original. Her and everyone else in the room. No one knew of their little talk in her bedroom, so they didn't hear the things that were said. Elena and Brynn had come to some sort of understanding; although they weren't all Buddy-Buddy, they respected each other. And these days, respect counted for a lot.

"I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not." Elijah says, looking in between his sister and the doppelgänger.

Stefan glances at everybody, holding his phone up so everyone could hear Damon.

"Not! Hello? Did that concussion give you brain damage?! His lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get!"

Brynn winces. Maybe he didn't know Brynn was listening. Hell, Brynn was barley coherent when she got out of his car; maybe he thought she went to sleep or went to the mansion. Maybe he didn't think about his words before they came out.

Whether he meant to say it or not, his words hurt.

Elena look over at Brynn, sending her a sympathetic smile.

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