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"stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it"

There she stood on Wickery Bridge, waiting for the person she thought she cared about drive up to her in his car

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There she stood on Wickery Bridge, waiting for the person she thought she cared about drive up to her in his car. When she heard it, her heart jumped.

Anger and excitement clouded her judgement and before Damon could even get a word out, she ran over and pinned him against the car, a knife under his neck.

Damon couldn't help but be turned on by seeing Brynn so angry. The fierce look in her eyes was so attractive that he almost didn't mind the blood trickling down his neck. Brynn pushes the knife deeper. Okay, now he did mind.

"You. . . You set me up." He chokes out, his eyes watching both Rebekah and Sage who were listening nearby.

"And you lied." Sage says.

"I told you I'd save your creepy boyfriend." Brynn pushes the knife deeper. Damon winces, wanting to wrap his arms around Brynn's waist and pull her to him so he had control. But she was stronger than him and they both knew it. Her anger made her strong. And she had a lot of anger.

"And you lied to me, Damon! The Originals are linked, if one dies they all die. If I can get inside her head, don't you think I'd be able to get inside yours?" Sage runs over to Damon, tilting her head so Brynn would lean off of him. She obeys, letting the traitor go only for Sage to pin him down again.

The two exchange a few words, but Brynn doesn't stay to find out.

"Brynn!" Damon shouts out but she was already gone.


Hours later Damon walks into the library where Stefan is holding something covered in brown paper.

"Little early in the day for you, isn't it?"

"Just having a little toast." Stefan replies.

Damon narrows his brows at his brother. "To what?"


"Well, if you're happy I'm happy."

This time is was Stefan's turn to narrow his brows. "You don't look happy."

Damon opens his mouth to answer, but then decided against it. Luckily Stefan knows his brother much more than he thinks.

"It's Brynn, isn't it?"

"How'd you know?"

"You get this weird look on your face, almost like you're constipated." Damon glares at him. "I don't know, it's just a feeling. And by your expression, I'm guessing I'm right."

"I tried to get inside Rebekah's head and it worked, but Sage had her own agenda. Brynn found out and now she knows I slept with her sister and I tried to kill her."

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