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✨ "it all comes down to the person you look for in a crowded room"

✨ "it all comes down to the person you look for in a crowded room"✨

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"You know, I needed this." Brynn says as she grips the bat tighter. "All I need to do is replace the ball with my brothers head and we're all set."

"Ha ha." Kol says as Jeremy pitched the ball to Brynn. Brynn hits it, sending the hall flying over the fence.

"Touchdown!" She yells, smiling wide as she watched the ball disappear.

Jeremy chuckles at his friends sister. "Home run, but close enough. I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get us some more balls."

Brynn smiles at him, watching as the younger Gilbert runs over to the batting cages.

"It's such a shame that that's Elenas brother," Brynn says, putting the bat on her shoulder. "He's pretty cute."

"Don't get any ideas, Braylen." Kol says, taking the bat from her and pretending to swing. "I'll have to send you back to Mystic Falls with Niklaus."

"God no," she huffs. "All he does is talk about how we'll be daggered if we do anything wrong. I'm sick and tired of his threats."

"Yeah well, I know that's not the only thing you're tired of." She looks up at him and raises a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"Please, I know you didn't just come up here because you missed me. Rebekah called and told me how torn up you were about Finn's death and how you haven't been feeding as much."

"How does she know that?" Brynn asks.

"Because you're as pale as a vampire." He winks at her, nudges his shoulder with hers.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Kol."

"Yeah well, it's also about the Salvatore dilemma too. I heard you and Damon were quite close back then."

"Yeah, well, people always seem to be screwing me over."

"You won't do anything to hurt him."

"And why do you say that?"

"Because you like him. You wouldn't be so hurt about him trying to kill us if you didn't."

She shrugs, "you're probably right, but I don't- what the bloody hell?" She squints, looking over to where the cute Gilbert was hugging a brunette.

"Don't tell me he's found another girl already, I didn't make my move yet!" She pouts.

"No, don't worry. It's just Elena."

"Elena? What?"

Kol grabs her arm and takes the bat from her. Brynn obliges, shaking away her shock as she spies another boy standing next to Elena. Of course it had to be Damon. Such luck.

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