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"I don't want to be alone,
I want to be left alone"

✨ "I don't want to be alone, I want to be left alone" ✨

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Brynn hates talking. She would rather plug in her earbuds and tune out the world instead of talking about the weather. Or in this case, her past.

But thank God, the Salvatores came through.

"You're free to go."

Elena asks her something, but Brynn didn't care to answer. She's done enough socializing for the week.

Now that her mother wasn't trying to kill her, she could finally leave Mystic Falls.

But first, she had to make a pit stop.

A few minutes later she comes upon the Salvatore boarding house. She tip toes inside, trying not to let her heels thump against the ground and give her presence away.

"Elijah kept his word; Brynn let her go."

Brynn freezes at Stefan's words.

"I didn't have a doubt." Damon says, pausing slightly. "Do you think she's back for good? That she'll stay?"

Stefan shrugs. "I don't know. I do miss having a best friend since you killed Lexi, though. But her being back. . . It-"

"Brings back so many memories." Damon finished for him.

"Yeah. It does. But the bigger problem is whose side she's on."

Damon sighs. "I think that she's neutral. She's never been super close with Klaus and Elijah, and she told me she just came back in town because Esther asked her to."

"So is she a threat?"

"I don't know. But even if she was, do any of us have the guts to kill her?"

Brynn sucks in a breath, trying to decide if she should be mad at them for even considering killing her, or if she should be glad that they cared about her enough to question it.

But most importantly, it was time for her entrance.

"Sorry to break this up, but I thought I'd say goodbye."

Both of the Salvatores look over at her.

"Goodbye?" Stefan asks, walking closer to where Brynn was at the front door. "Where are you going?"

"Back home. Since Mother can no longer kill us, I have no reason to stay."

"So you're just going to leave?" Damon asks her.

She shrugs. "Yeah. I have friends waiting for me to come back in New Orleans. I just wanted to say goodbye before I left." At the boys sad expression, she sighs. "If you tell anyone I said this I'll kill you, but I missed you guys." Both of them raise a brow. "Both of you." That makes Damon nearly smile.

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