✨forty four✨

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"I'm loyal but I ain't stupid"

✨"I'm loyal but I ain't stupid" ✨

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Brynn wanted to kill everyone. Elena, Jeremy, Stefan, the Bennett witch, Caroline, hell, even the mailman or that lady walking her dog!

All she sees is read. That and her dead brother lying in the Gilbert's kitchen. She can hear Klaus from where he is trapped in the living room, but the words are barley coherent.

Kol is dead. Her beloved brother who always had her back, is dead.

And it is all that stupid Gilbert doppelgänger and hunters fault.

"I was too late." Klaus mutters from the other room. "They killed him, but I promise you, Braylen, I will get revenge on every single one of them."

A tear slides down Brynn's cheek but she doesn't bother to wipe it. It falls, landing on her brothers burned body.

"They ran. Those selfish bastards." Brynn sneers, sending one last look at her brother before walking over to Niklaus.

She sighs, running her hand through her hair as she thinks. What would someone else tell her to do? What would Katherine tell her to do?

She hesitates. It is brutal and mean, but she doesn't have the strength nor the energy to think about Kol right now. She needed all of this crap with the cure to be over before she could let out her feelings.

"We need the cure."

Klaus looks down at her. "Of course we need it, but-"

"We have to think rationally. You of all people know that we don't have time to grieve Kol right now. Well, you do since you're trapped, but I don't. We need to find the cure."

"Braylen, our brother is-"

"Dead. He's dead. But I'm not going to let nothing come from it. Jeremy's mark should be growing and I am going to be there when it is. I'll find the cure, get it, and shove it down Elena's throat so this will all be over."

Klaus will get his hybrids and Brynn doesn't have to worry about Elena being sired to Damon. She knew the feelings Elena had for him wouldn't entirely be gone, but it was a lot better than her annoying Brynn by agreeing with Damon on any topic under the sun, and she won't feel this need to impress him every second of every day.

"What happened?"

"Hmm?" Brynn blinks, getting rid of the intrusive thoughts and gives her attention to her brother.

"Something happened. You're. . . Quieter than usual. And less angry."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because you're not hunting Elena down and breaking her skull."

Brynn rolls her eyes. "You would have my head and everyone in this town would hate me for killing their pride and joy."

"Oh, stop lying to me. You were hysterical when Mother and your little friend Sage died. I know how close you were with Kol, so your silence is terrifying."

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