✨twenty six✨

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"be the person you needed as a kid"

✨ "be the person you needed as a kid" ✨

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"Wake up."

"Stop yelling at her."

"Look at you, Damon! Who would've thought you'd fancy someone else besides Elena."

Brynn groans. She didn't even have to move to know what happened. She felt the familiar pain erupt in her neck. The same thing happened to her in London.

Her neck hasn't been touched since then.

She could just imagine sitting in that cell, all the dead bodies of the little girls piling up next to her as they start to decay.

The smell, the blood, the chaos. . .

"Every time you look in the mirror, I want you to think of the monster you are. Think of all the people you killed. All of the lives you've both ruined and ended. You're an evil bitch, Brynn Mikaelson. And I'll never let you forget it."

"I'm sorry! I made a mistake, I won't do it again!"

"Sorry. But you won't get another chance. You destroyed my life, so I'm going to take pleasure in destroying yours."

"If you do this, you'll become just like me. You call me a monster but you'll be just the same if you did this to me."

He walks closer to the invisible cage, bending down so he meets her eyes as she sits on the floor.

"Sometimes you have to become monster to defeat a monster."

"No." She shakes her head, trying to control the sobs that poured out of her. "No! Don't do this! Don't you dare leave me here!"

"Brynn. Brynn, wake up!" She knew that voice. But it couldn't be. She was trapped in the basement, she wasn't allowed out. Oh God, if she was outside something must have happened.

Is he still here? Is he watching her right now? Waiting to see if she'll take the chance to run?

"Braylen, open your eyes!" A hand caresses her cheek, shocking her. He never touched her. He would never allow himself to be near her if the barrier wasn't there. Which meant. . .

"Damon?" Her voice sounded broken and pathetic, but she didn't care. She wasn't in London anymore. He couldn't find her.

She opens her eyes, taking in the bright light of the sun and her surroundings. It all slowly came back to her; coming back to Mystic Falls, Sage and Finn dying, her and Damon, protecting Elena. . . And Klaus. . .

"You bastard!" Brynn gets to her feet, but as soon as she does, she sways. Damon grabs her, collecting her in his arms.

"Sorry, sister. But you weren't going to allow me to take Elena. You were in the way. But enough about Elena. . ." He takes a step closer to her. She felt Damon's arms tighten around her. "London. What happened?"

brynn | damon salvatore Where stories live. Discover now