✨thirty two✨

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"sunshine all the time makes a desert"

✨ "sunshine all the time makes a desert" ✨

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"He's alive."

Brynn is about sick of people pretending to be dead. What is so hard about it? She had never faked her death in the thousands of years she's been alive, and her family members managed to do it twice in the span of a week.

"Are you sure?"

Rebekah nods as they keep walking to the mansion. "Yes. He looked me in the eyes, Braylen. He looked at me and chose Caroline."

Brynn doesn't know what to say to that. She couldn't really be mad at Klaus because despite his actions, both of them have their loyalties in a twist.

It is obvious Klaus likes the Forbes girl, which complicates things for him because he is trying to use her best friend as a personal blood bag.

And Brynn is in a complicated relationship with Damon, Stefan, and Elena. She doesn't agree with everything her siblings did, which puts them at a crossroads.

And Rebekah over here doesn't know what the hell she wants; one minute she's flirting with Matt and the next she's running him off the road!

"I don't know what to say."

"How are you so calm about this?! We mourned someone who wasn't even dead! He picked Caroline over his own blood; he's so obsessed with his stupid hybrids that he's turning on us."

"Well, I'm kind of turning on him too." Brynn peeks out of the corner of her eye to see Rebekah's reaction.

"Yeah, I kinda noticed that when you slammed my head into a tree and stabbed Elijah in the stomach; he's still pissed about that, you know."

"Yeah, I figured. But it wasn't like it stopped you from getting what you wanted."

The mansion finally comes into view, and each step they took closer and closer to the house, the more rage built up in Rebekah. Brynn knows from just looking at her sister that she is going to cause a fuss.

Although she wasn't going to intervene in the fight that was bound to happen, she sure as hell was going to watch.

If there was one thing to know about Rebekah Mikaelson, when she's angry, she plans to do something about it; Niklaus is her next victim.

Rebekah pushes the door to the house open, immediately going into the parlor where Nik was.

"How dare you save Caroline over me?!" Rebekah, having already seen Niklaus's alive, isn't phased by seeing him again.

Brynn, on the other hand is mad at him, sure. But. . . It was her brother and she thought she lost him. But he's here and she would be a fool not to give the bastard a hug.

"Nik." She walks past Rebekah, who doesn't even care about what Brynn was doing; she just stares at Niklaus and patiently waits for her sister to be out of the way before she attacks.

brynn | damon salvatore Where stories live. Discover now