The Dressmaker.

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The weekend finally arrived after a testing first week and Isabella sat on the cushioned window seat in her room engrossed in a letter she had just received from her father. He seemed to be in decent spirits despite his circumstances, and was relieved to hear she was doing well. She had not told him the particulars of her employment. Her father could be a proud man, so it was easier to override details than to cause him further upset.

A knock then came to her door "Come in" she called. Lilly entered saying "Sorry to disturb you miss but there is a dressmaker here to see you". "Oh yes do send her up, thank you Lilly" she smiled. After a short time, a middle aged woman entered followed by two younger women. Behind them a rather burly looking footman then emerged and deposited two large bags on the ground before leaving. The middle aged woman spotted Isabella and then stared over her glasses in a way that made Isabella think she was assessing her figure.

Confidence seemed to ooze from the her countenance and her dress was tailored to perfection so that it fitted her tall thin figure like a glove. "Good day Miss Bradford, my name is Madame Delaurier" she spoke with a French accent. "A pleasure to meet you Madame" Isabella uttered, a feeling of nervousness beginning to creep over her. "Well, shall we begin... measurements first I think" she smiled, and Isabella felt a little more at ease.

Madame Delaurier clicked her figures and one of the women behind her instantly stepped forward extending a measuring tape. She quickly proceeded to measure the proportions of Isabella's figure and occasionally rose an eyebrow as she called a number for her accomplices to note down. "Well your proportions are a little different than a lot of the ladies I dress, nevertheless we can make it work" she said quirking one side of her mouth. A torrent of annoyance built in Isabella and without hesitating she replied "May I ask what you mean by – 'a little different'".

She smiled "Ah you are a feisty one! I had wondered why His Grace hired one so young to be his wards governess, but I am beginning to see now" she smiled again her eyes twinkling with a knowing look. "What do you mean?" Isabella mouthed again, confusion evident on her face. "It's nothing my dear only that you are a little curvier than many of the ladies I dress, but I shall make sure your new garments surpasses that of the finest ladies. His Grace is paying after all" she winked.

Isabella felt  as if she had missed the joke. She watched as samples of cloth were laid out on her bed, followed by books containing dress designs. Madame Delaurier looked from Isabella to the cloth samples calling instructions in French to her companions and they furiously wrote, noting all her ministrations. Isabella was beginning to feel like a pony on show before Madame Delaurier finally called in English "That should be enough for now". One of the women then moved forward handing her notepad to Madame Delaurier and she then waved at Isabella to come forward "Well what do you think cherie?" she spoke.

Isabella stared in awe; a pencil drawing of the most beautiful ball gown she had seen was depicted on the page. Small notes were pencilled on the side giving details of the type and colour of different fabrics to be used. The pages were then turned steadily to reveal six other day dresses. Isabella raised her head and met Madame Delaurier's unperturbed face "They are really lovely, but I thought I was being fitted for plainer clothes...those suitable for a governess? And the ball gown...why would I ever need that?" Madame Delaurier tittered in response "Ah mon cherie, I'm here to design a whole new wardrobe, and that is what I am doing! His grace personally requested that I create a ball gown also!"

Staring at her in response; Isabella felt at a  loss for words as she tried to make sense of the situation. "But don't worry Cherie your 'plainer' dresses shall be made also, I have your measurements and they will take little time to create" Madame Delaurier spoke gleefully. Isabella's mind was working over the situation thinking "What does he mean, asking for a ball gown to be designed!". Madame Delaurier then interrupted "Well I think my work is done, I shall leave you to your leisure time Miss Bradford and your new dresses shall be with you very soon" she winked quickly leaving the room with her accomplices in toe.

She was still mulling over what had happened when Lilly entered once more "Miss it's time for dinner, His Grace requested it to be a little earlier today, as he has business to attend to". With no time to change her attire, Isabella descended the main staircase to find that both Alexander and Emma were already seated. She had almost become accustomed to their small gathering for dinner. Alexander had insisted that she dine with them while she lived there and although she had complained that she was "technically a member of staff" he had persisted that she was still a lady also, and he had made sure his staff knew of it.

Feeling a little embarrassed she had accepted, however she couldn't help but feel a little segregated in the household. The other staff would not easily accept her as one of them because of her previous station in society, but she knew that she was no longer welcome as 'a lady' in polite society now that she was impoverished and had taken employment.

Isabella took a seat at the opposite end of the dining table to Alexander. Emma was seated in the middle and she beamed as Isabella took her seat saying "Can we do art lessons on Monday?" Isabella laughed "If we get through some more of the alphabet then yes we can do some painting!" Emma smiled "I wish we could paint all the time!" she huffed. Alexander then spoke "Unless you want to become an artist, it might be best to stick with learning to write for now!" he smiled. "That's it, I want to become an artist! That means no more alphabet then, right?" she said looking at Isabella expectantly. Isabella caught Alexander's bemused expression and they laughed in unison.

Dinner passed by in relative ease, and they idly chatted, mostly about how Emma had been doing with her lessons. However, when the dessert plates were taken away Isabella couldn't help but ask "Your Grace, I must thank you for arranging for Madame Delaurier to come today..." He smiled, waving a hand "Not a problem" he announced. Raising his crystal wine glass he tipped it in her direction before taking a sip. "Yes well... although I am grateful, I did wonder why you asked for a ball gown to be designed for me...I must admit it is unusual for someone of my station!" she said raising an eyebrow.

He coughed slightly saying "Ah I thought you may appreciate one, I hold an annual ball here in a month's time, on new year's eve in fact, and I would like you to attend" he said confidently. However, at the last words he uttered he began to fidget with the stem of his wine glass. He stared at her like he was waiting for an answer and finally she spoke "I see... but is it appropriate that I attend? Will some of the gentry not object to my presence?" she winced slightly.

He looked at her squarely then, his expression changing and said "Blast what the gentry think!" Isabella could sense that there was more behind his utterance of that statement than just her unease. He then looked at Emma realising his language and whispered "my apologies". Before Isabella had time to respond he quickly rose from the table saying "Excuse me, I have business I must attend to" and made his exit. 

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