The past returned

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"Your grace, we are now but five miles from London" Sam spoke, his voice muffled from the noisy rocking of the carriage. Alexander slowly opened his eyes and peered out from under his titled top hat before nodding in response. He had been resting his eyes for the past hour or so as the journey had become monotonous in its length and polite conversation between himself and his valet had soon dried up. While he had hoped that his lull into relaxation would rest his befuddled mind before he reached his destination, said lull had quite the opposite effect. His mind continually returned to his cousins' letter. The information in that letter consumed him to an obsessive degree and each time he thought of its contents his heart rate increased in hope. However each time, this optimism was just as soon thwarted by fear.

Straightening his posture on his seat, he proceeded to take the sacred letter from his pocket once more. His cousin Lord Acton had informed him that Lady Worthington had been spotted about town with a gentleman entitled Lieutenant Perry. He was an officer in the navy and had just returned from an overseas expedition in Central America and the Caribbean. It seemed the consensus was that he had made quite the fortune. His cousin had taken more of an interest in this unusual coupling than others, as few outside Alexander's family circle knew of his longstanding betrothal to Lady Worthington. Intrigued by the situation Lord Acton had done some digging and discovered that in his younger days Thomas Perry had once been rather taken with Lady Worthington, to the point where he had asked her father Lord Worthington if he would consent to their marriage. Being the youngest son of a viscount, Thomas Perry was seen as an unworthy suitor, and so the proposal was swiftly rejected. However, Thomas did what so many other men of his kind have done; he decided to enter the navy in the hopes of bettering his position and earning a decent living. Added to this was the likely benefit of seeing the world and escaping the raw heartache he faced in London, Alexander thought. Having moved his way up the naval ranks and secured a hefty fortune for his labors and bravery, Lord Acton now believed that he had returned to court Lady Worthington and their outings seemed to confirm this.

This new information now provided Alexander with a 'get out clause' as it were, for if Lady Worthington was in love with this man, and he with her, she would likely happily end their engagement. Lord Worthington would be a greater obstacle he knew. Thus, he had to thread carefully. He had a plan in mind and he hoped with all his will that it would come to fruition. As his carriage moved through the cobbled stone streets of London a sense of resolve overtook him and he knew he had to make this work. Calling to his driver he bellowed "Take me to number 7 Grosvenor Place".

Before too long the carriage stopped outside a grand townhouse and he stole his nerve one last time before he exited the carriage. He gave instructions to his man to drive to his London residence just up the street and ready the house for his stay. Turning about he then walked purposefully up the stone steps to the door and gave it a light tap with his cane. An aging man soon opened the door and beamed at him in recognition "Your grace, it's good to see you!" he smiled instantly before ushering him into the entrance hall. "And you Jeeves! Pray tell is Miss Worthington at home? I should like to speak with her" Alexander spoke before he noticed Jeeves's expression change slightly. "I'm afraid she is not here at present" he spoke. He then lowered his voice to almost a whisper and said in a conspirator tone "She has gone to take a turn about Hyde Park...with a gentleman caller". Alexander tried not to smirk at his words and inquired "Can I ask whom this gentleman is?" Jeeves' face instantly reddened and he tried in vain to remain composed before he pulled at his necktie and grumbled "A navy man...A Lieutenant Perry I believe! She warned me to keep quite on the matter, but if her father hears..." he trailed off before shaking his head "Well you can see the predicament..." Alexander nodded gravely at his words, trying in vain to stop the laugh that was threatening to burst forth from his lips. It seemed Miss Worthington's dalliance was having quite the effect on Jeeves's poor nerves.

"I see. Well I think I will wait until her return, I would like to speak with her" Alexander said before he removed his hat and handed it to a nearby servant. "Yes of course your Grace, and perhaps you could advise the young Miss on her imprudent choice of suitor! It will not do for her to be entertaining... navy men" Jeeves almost spat the final words. Another laugh almost escaped Alexander's lips once more, but he held fast and replied somberly "Hmm I shall consider it".

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