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The smell of exotic tea's wafted in the air when they entered and a server rushed forward crooning "Your Grace! welcome, right this way". He placed them at a more secluded part of the shop where they drank tea, ate scones and chatted idly. Isabella felt at ease, enjoying being distracted from the woes of her life. He did not mention her father and she was grateful for it; however she began to wonder if he knew of what had transpired. 

Just then Alexander leaned forward saying "can I tell you a secret?". Isabella smiled feeling like a child once more and whispered "yes, what?". " Its a rather sad tale actually" Alexander began. " A good friend of mine has just passed away, he was in the West Indies on business and contracted Cholera*". Isabella gasped "oh I'm so sorry to hear that" she replied. She could see the hurt in his eyes and it pained her.

"Yes well, the secret is he had a child called Emma, she's just 6 years old and has no one left to care for her, her mother died a year after she was born.  Jack wrote a letter to me before he died saying he did not have long left to live and he asked me to care for her. I've accepted and she will be arriving next week".

 Isabella was astonished, she had heard of Alexander's rakish ways and he had proven them once again with her, but he had also proved to be kind in a way she had not expected. "So you will have a ward* under your care! How do you think you will fare?" she replied in a shocked tone and giggled at the unintended ryhme.

"Hmm, I don't know but I could not turn down a friends dying request, she will have a good life, I will promise her that" he said with conviction in his tone. Isabella believed he was speaking the truth. "And who knows maybe it will make an honest man out of me, having someone else's interests to think of above my own".  Isabella laughed "I'm sure you will do wonderfully"

"Well you have more faith in me than some" he replied "My aunt was none too pleased when she heard the news. I am to marry a woman of her choosing you see and she thinks this complicates matters".

A sudden pang of jealously rushed over Isabella at the news, before she instantly berated herself thinking "you foolish girl, obviously he is destined to marry a lady of high birth". The response she felt to the news confirmed that she did have feelings for him, feelings she knew she must burry and never uncover again. "Well I'm sure your aunt will come around once she meets the child, and your future bride will surely accept her too" she smiled though it did not meet her eyes.

Alexander beamed at her "I hope you are right" he stated before rising from his seat "Shall we leave?" he inquired, Isabella nodded and they made their way to the door. Just then Miss Parker spotted Isabella and her face betrayed that she knew of her father. She bounded forward a look of malice on her face "Ah my dear, I'm so sorry to hear about your father, how are you feeling" she gushed, insincerity dripping from every word.

Alexander then stepped forward from behind Isabella and Miss Parker went pale "Ah your Grace, good afternoon" she stumbled, looking from Isabella to the duke, confusion written on her features. "What do you mean.. so sorry to hear about your father... Isabella what's this about?" Alexander asked.

At the use of Isabella's given name instead of the socially correct "Miss Bradford" Miss Parker almost fell from where she was standing. She openly gapped at them before cutting Isabella's attempt at replying short and stating "Oh your grace did you not hear, Miss Bradford's father is to be imprisoned for unpaid debts, enormous debts at that, this Monday I hear".  Alexander stared in shock before taking Isabella's arm and saying "Excuse us". He pushed past Miss Parker and walked to his carriage without stopping, Isbella struggling to keep up with his pace.

 Hand extended he helped Isabella into the carriage and took the seat across from her stating "Why didn't you tell me?" Isabella didn't reply for a couple of minutes before replying "I didn't want to trouble you with it, this is a matter for my family to deal with and I cannot take others pity. My father must deal with his crime and my family's ruin cannot be undone".

Alexander grimaced " I see...". The rest of the carriage ride passed in silence until the carriage neared her family home and the thought that it wasn't going to be her home much longer sent a pang of pain through her heart.

She exited the carriage quickly just as it had stopped, stating "Thank you your grace and goodbye". He paused before replying "Goodbye Miss Bradford" his tone sounding distant. Isabella hurried up the steps to her home, an ache starting to build in her throat as she tried to stop the tears that were threatening to erupt from her " That is the last time I will see him again" she whispered solemnly before running to her room and slamming the door.

To be continued...

*The West Indies is a region of the Caribbean Basin and North Atlantic Ocean. From the 17th through the 19th century, the European colonial territories of the West Indies included the British West Indies.

*Cholera is an infection of the small intestine caused by bacteria. Since it became widespread in the 19th century, cholera has killed tens of millions of people.

*A Ward: Is a child that is cared for by a foster parent or guardian.

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