The new governess.

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Isabella moved uneasily atop Midnight. It felt strange to be sitting on his horse after all. However on seeing his shock, she couldn't help but smile and a laugh escaped her. To her relief Alexander smiled in response and moved a hand forward to stroke Midnight's neck. His nearness made her stomach flutter and she watched his hand move back and forth, refusing to look at him directly.

After a short time Alexander whispered "Should we return to the house?" "Yes your grace" she responded, although her voice seemed somewhat strained. They moved forward and as they neared the forest Alexander turned to her "I think that it would be better to call me by my given name, when we are alone and away from the staff" He felt somewhat vulnerable saying it, but the truth was that he cringed inwardly when she used his title, longing instead for his name to pass her lips. "As you wish... Alexander" she said in a hushed tone feeling like she had just said his name for the first time. Their relationship had changed demonstrably from what it had been.

He smiled imperceptibly but kept his gaze straight ahead. They rode on in silence for some time, through the sunlit forest. Beams of light filtered through the tall trees and birdsong echoed the vast expanse. A peaceful ambience thus pervaded as they manoeuvred over fallen branches along a winding mud pathway. Eventually when they emerged out onto pasture once more Isabella surmounted some confidence saying "Is there a residence on your lands that I will be moving to soon?" He turned his head to her smiling slightly. Although his demeanour did not change, she witnessed for a fraction of a second a pained look flicker in his eyes before it was hidden. "Ah you are eager to get away?" he spoke. "I think it would be best...It was agreed on after all!" she replied. Alexander smiled broadly "Of course, I shall have it arranged before the end of next week, I thought perhaps that once you arrived you may not want to move to a smaller place...but I can see your reasoning nonetheless".

A streak of boldness crossed her and she looked into his eyes saying frankly "I hope you do, and I must be honest and say that last night's events cannot happen again. Both for our own sakes and Emma's" she gulped then, realising her boldness. There was a brief moment of silence that felt like an eternity, before he turned stating bluntly "I agree, I have mulled it over myself, it was a lapse solely on my part, from now on things will be professional". He eyed her closely and she nodded staring ahead. Isabella had to admit that she was grateful he had taken full responsibility for what had transpired. In doing so he spared her blushes at having reacted to his touch in such an unladylike way.

A shiver then coursed through her in remembrance and Alexander voiced "But Isabella, I do hope we can still be friend's as well, although I am your employer I think we can still enjoy each other's company". Isabella shot him an odd look and he laughed placing a hand to his heart "Strictly companionable company my lady!" he spoke with a sincere look on his face. A smile then overcame her and she giggled. Alexander beamed in response, his rakish grin emerging. Whether it was consciously done or not, she could not tell.

They soon reached the house and a stable boy rushed forward with a stunned look on his face "Ah your grace, I see you found Midnight" he choked eyeing Isabella while looking aghast. "That I did, and he seems to have made a new friend" Alexander laughed. The stable boy looked between them, the surprised look never leaving his face. When they both dismounted he took the reins of both horses and led them towards the stables. Two questions circled his mind "How did she even manage to ride Midnight? And why did his grace seem so unperturbed by the situation, he is after all fiercely protective of him!" he thought. Unable to ask for answers, he walked away in perplexed resignation. 

Alexander was equally perplexed as to his horse's unusual behaviour, however rather than being annoyed, he was stunned to recognise that he found the situation quite amusing. He had returned earlier than expected from Kent town. After he saw to his business in town, he realised that a day spent in his gentlemen's club held little appeal, not when his thoughts kept returning to a certain lady who was now housed in his home. When he returned, he was perplexed to discover that the stable boys were frenzied as to Midnight's disappearance. He had acted quickly and decided to search the nearby land in the hope that Midnight could be found, his mind rationalising that he had likely escaped due to an unlatched door or some such mistake. Horse snatching was not a common practice in this part of the country, nor would it be wise to steal from a duke, particularly when such an offence could be punishable by death. The word 'surprise' was an understatement as to how he felt on seeing Isabella atop his steed. Taking in the astonished look on the stable boys face just now, he grinned in thought: She is surely making an impression on her first day here.


Monday dawned and with it Isabella's first official day of being a governess. Admittedly she was nervous at what the day would bring, but excitement preceded it. Clothing herself in a dress of lilac and cream muslin she thought of how nice it would be when she had some earnings to buy new dresses. This dress was once again a little tight fitting so she did all she could and grabbed a wool shawl to cover her shoulders and bust.

"Perhaps I could get an advance on my wages" she thought making a mental note to ask Alexander the next time she saw him "I'm sure he will understand that I need to buy more suitable formal cloths if I am to teach every day". Her entire wardrobe was comprised of what used to be fashionable day dresses and evening gowns that were now unsuitable for her new life. With this thought still lingering in her mind she entered the schoolroom and was surprised to find that Emma and Alexander stood in the centre of the room.

 She watched as Alexander pointed to a globe on one of the tables saying "This is where you sailed from". Isabella quietly moved toward him and saw him move the globe before continuing "and this is where you are now!" Emma smiled looking somewhat confused and Isabella couldn't help but let a laugh escape her lips. "I see you are stealing my job your grace, perhaps I may have to acquire you to teach geography".

They both jumped slightly before turning swiftly to meet her bemused expression. "Ah you startled me... Emma wanted to see where exactly she is!" Alexander grinned looking to Emma. "You have travelled quite a long way my dear" Isabella responded before eyeing Alexander "Well I don't mean to be rude your grace, but you must leave so I can begin Emma's lessons, unless you need to learn your alphabet?" she said sarcastically. He cracked a smile "Hmm I will take my leave then" he announced moving toward the door.

"Don't go!" Emma shouted running toward him. In one fluid motion he lifted her into his arms crooning "Don't worry little one, I will see you this evening at dinner! Miss Bradford will look after you!" Placing her back onto the floor he gave Isabella what looked like an aggrieved look and quickly exited. Emma sat on the floor looking forlorn and began to sniffle. "Come Emma, sit at your desk and we can begin" Isabella called feeling a bit out of her depth. Emma turned her head and looked to her before slowly standing up and resignedly took her seat.

Teaching was a lot more difficult than Isabella had expected. Emma frequently became frustrated and cried that she wanted to play and Isabella realised she couldn't blame her. Being stuck in a classroom in such a magnificent estate with vast lands to explore was difficult even for her. By the end of the week however things became easier and Isabella invented a song Emma could sing to remember the letters of the alphabet. It was on one such day when they were singing aloud together that Alexander entered smiling.

A maid followed him carrying a rather large tray of food and he stated "I thought we could take lunch together". His attention was endearing, although Isabella worried it could become a distraction from their lessons if it became regular. Each time he disrupted a lesson, it would take Emma so long to resign herself to work once more, that Isabella began to consider having a word with him about it. It was during those times however that she also rationalised that he was technically Emma's parent and her employer. Thus she frustratingly conceded to say nothing.

That evening after dinner Alexander asked her to accompany him on a walk. They meandered through the floral havens that were the estates gardens and passed small ponds of glistening water before he turned saying " A dressmaker is coming to the house on Saturday, I thought you might need a new trousseau". Isabella looked at him in stunned silence before saying " You have pre-empted me your Gr.. Alexander". He smiled, quickly running his eyes over her dress before stating "I must admit it is for my own sake as well as yours, the fit of some of your dresses has been a little distracting for me to say the least!"

Isabella gasped, instinctively wrapping her shawl tighter, which did nothing to hide the evidence of her bust. He smiled saying "I jest, but I thought you would appreciate more suitable work cloths nonetheless." "I would, thank you!" she breathed, though she now felt a heightened awareness of him. Quickly saying goodnight she decided to make her way back to her room and exhaled a pent up breath. "That man will be my undoing." she sighed, hoping she was exaggerating.

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