Plots and plans

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Alexander had been seated in the drawing room sipping tea for about half an hour when he heard voices that signaled Miss Worthington's return. She finally entered and curtsied to him before sheepishly moving to take the seat opposite him. She looked decidedly flushed he noticed before she spoke "This is a surprise, your grace. I did not know you were presently in town!" Her statement sounded like an accusation he thought and he smirked in response "Some unexpected news caused me to return unexpectedly my dear...I do hope you don't mind my calling" At the mention of 'news' Lady Worthington took a subtle intake of breath, evidently hoping he did not notice. He did however, and it was clear to him that she feared he had heard of her romantic outings.

Deciding to put her out of her misery he began "Be calm, I know about your dalliances with this Lieutenant Perry fellow, and I have come to ascertain what the extent of your relationship is? If he has proposed to you, well we shall end this duty-bound betrothal between us!" Her eyes went wide in shock at his words and she gaped at him before finally recovering to speak "Your grace, I don't know what to would be willing to end our betrothal?" "There has never been any love lost between us my lady, I'm sure you can agree with that? Now if this man has asked to marry you, well it ensures that you shall be provided for. Do you love him?" he asked. Her eyes filled with tears and she wiped at them with shaking hands before a sob erupted from her lips. Taking a handkerchief from his pocket Alexander handed it to her smiling "I hope these are tears of happiness my lady?" She nodded distractedly while blotting her tears away with the white cotton cloth and finally looked into his eyes "I do love him, more than I can express" He beamed at her words and whispered "I am happy for you!" Finally regaining control of her emotions Lady Worthington straightened and spoke "Just this morning he proposed to marry me, but I could not give him a reply, as it broke my heart to have to say no. I never thought you would be so willing to end our betrothal, especially since your parents also arranged it" She gasped then as her thoughts wondered before saying "But my father...he will never allow this. He wants this marriage between us, and he has never favoured Thomas".

Nodding at her words Alexander replied "I have thought on this same problem myself, but I think I have come up with a solution, if you will permit to follow my lead?" She smiled in elation then, her eyes twinkling from recently shed tears and asked "How can I help?" Perching on the edge of his chair Alexander explained "Your father will not be enthused when he hears of your marrying this man from your past, however if we both object to marrying each other, he will have little choice but to concede" She nodded in response deliberating on the matter and questioned "Well my objection to marrying you is that I have been offered marriage by the man I love, which will not hold much weight with my father, but what objection will you give? Father will not give up on our betrothal easily" He smiled in gloominess then and continued "Well you see this is where I will need your help. I will attest that I have been affronted by your liaisons with this man and that talk has begun to circulate about town detailing your amorous relationship!" Lady Worthington gasped in reaction then and covered her mouth "Your grace I have not...I am still pure!" He waved a hand in dismissal at her words "I am not questioning your innocence my lady, I have heard no such gossip. However, if your father believes that you may no longer be a maid, he will likely be more favourable to the idea of you marrying your lover, in order to prevent a family scandal. As any scandal would inevitably affect me also, I will declare that I will not have my name besmirched by such. I shall refuse to marry you and insist that your Lieutenant will marry you post haste, even if I am required to call him out on the matter"

Lady Worthington sat in wonder for a moment before a smile overtook her features "I do believe I like your plan very much your grace. I acknowledge that it is likely the only way my father will allow my marrying my beloved. He has quite the fortune now you know, but father cares for lordly titles and rank only". Alexander smiled "As do most of society, sadly". Shaking her head then, she looked at him squarely and spoke "This day has taken quite a remarkably unexpected turn. I would never have thought that we would both now be sitting in my drawing room plotting my marriage to another!" she giggled. "Or that we would both be so decidedly against marrying each other" Alexander added laughing. "It seems the matchmakers have failed, you can't force love..." he trailed off then in thought. Coming back to his senses he rose from his armchair and extended his hand to take Lady Worthington's "I do believe we have a pressing appointment with your father!" Grinning she called for Jeeves to get her shawl, before they meandered down the stone steps of number 7 Gosvenor place and headed in the direction of the gentleman's club her father frequented.

It had all went surprisingly well, Alexander mused, as he called for Sam to have a bath readied for him. He had played the part of an angry jilted fiancé to precision and Miss Worthington had perfected the character of a besotted woman who had behaved too loosely for society's standards. Lord Worthington had ordered that she marry this "vagabond" and hoped that all gossip would quickly cease. Alexander had no doubt it would cease, for how could something continue when it never was. He bathed and dressed for bed before his mind moved to the other matter he had seen to today. Following some past enquiries about Lord Bradford's sentence in prison he had today decided to meet with his personal solicitor regarding the situation. He already knew that the amount Lord Bradford owed was substantial, but he hoped an appeal could be made in court in order to grant him bail, on the condition that the amount could be paid over time. He had detailed this wish to his solicitor and asked that he bring forward a case for him, with the agreement that he would become guarantor for the debt, should Lord Bradford negate on future payments. Having a man of his wealth and societal standing guaranteeing payment was something not to be trifled with, thus he knew the courts would look favorably on the request. Admittedly he felt uneasy at taking over so much responsibility for a man he barely knew, but he also knew it would make her happy.

As talks progressed with his solicitor however it soon became clear that it was not just payment of the debt that was the issue. Lord Bradford had made enemies among the ton, due to his penchant for gambling, his loose morals and his evident fall from societal grace. His solicitor had informed him that there were those who would believe justice had been thwarted if Lord Bradford were to be released early. A resurgence of anger washed over Alexander at this memory. These petty lords had likely gloated and rejoiced at another's fall, however it could possibly have been them who had crumbled under debt, for gambling was as common in this city as smog. Alexander despised the pastime himself, for he had seen too many men tumble to ruin because of it. Sighing he collected his thoughts and began to formulate a plan for the morrow.

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