The Duke's Ball

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"Miss Bradford it's time to wake up" were the first words Isabella heard before she opened her eyes to the awaiting stare of her maid Lilly. She awkwardly sat up and rubbed her eyes before groggily asking "What time is it?" "Its 8am Miss. Mrs Carter is asking for you" came Lilly's reply. "Oh blast it anyway....The ball is tonight!" she gasped before jumping from her bed to quickly dress herself. She had had a fitful night's sleep due to Nancy's shocking news the day before. An array of thoughts had flooded her mind and she still wondered what Alexander's response to his visitor; to put it politely, had been. After her promise to Nancy that she would not reiterate what she had been told, she had decided to spend the remainder of the evening in her room. She was more than curious to discover if Miss Spencer had indeed stayed the night, or if she had been dismissed. Secretly she wished for the latter.

When Isabella arrived downstairs Mrs Carter was in a tizzy. "The venison for dinner has not yet arrived and cook is becoming panicked!" she exclaimed worriedly. "Calm down Mrs Carter, all will be well, and if it doesn't arrive soon I'm sure we can replace it with beef!" Isabella replied calmly. Mrs Carter visibly took a deep breath before she nodded "I better finalise the seating arrangements...his grace requested that a couple of changes be made!" Mrs Carter said sighing before she hurried away.

After a few hours had passed, Isabella began to feel that everything was finally under control. The kitchen staff were busily preparing the vast amount of food that was needed to feed over a hundred guests and the house looked astonishing. The garlands had been draped along the banisters of the vast staircases and white flowers suffused the main ball room and reception rooms, giving an atmosphere of sophistication and grandeur.

Dusk soon settled in and fire lanterns all along the avenue to the house were lit. Isabella stood at the main doorway and mused that each lantern looked like a blazing star in the distance. She smiled and turned around, only to come face to face with Alexander. "You have done well Isabella, the house has never looked so splendid". Her heart began to beat harder and her mind went blank before she forced herself back to her senses and smiled imperceptibly "Thank you...I am glad you approve. Well I had best get back to it... the rest of the guests should be arriving shortly" Quickly walking past him on shaky legs, she made her way to the kitchens.

She had planned to act normally until after the ball at least, however, on seeing him, her legs had turned to jelly. "Damn it, pull yourself together" she berated herself internally before she reached the kitchens. A preposterous amount of food lined the tables of the kitchen and staff scuttled to and fro trying to prepare for the gargantuan task of feeding some of England's most elite. "All going well Miss. We are on track and the venison arrived about an hour ago!" cook announced. "Oh good! Well keep up the excellent work" Isabella replied smiling. Checking the time she noted that it was 4.30pm so she decided to start the next task- getting herself ready!

On entering her room Lily was awaiting her and quickly bustled forward "I will start on your hair first Miss" she announced smiling. Isabella took a seat and tried to stay as still as she could under Lily's ministrations. After an hour she had curled and pinned her hair up in the most amazing hairstyle Isabella had ever received. Tiny pearls were placed among the curls and they shone in the candlelight. Lilly then applied some powder and rouge to her face and finished by putting some pink rouge on her lips.

Isabella looked at herself in the mirror and blinked at her own reflection. "You look beautiful Miss!" Lilly whispered. Laughing Isabella replied "It's all thanks to you!" Lilly chuckled saying "You are too modest Miss! Have you decided what dress you will wear?" she inquired. "The scarlet one I think" Isabella said beaming. Since it had arrived she had yearned to wear it but she was also a little nervous. The colour was bold for an unmarried woman, however she longed to wear it since it had been specifically designed for tonight's ball.

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