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The sound of gravel crunching under carriage wheels met Alexander's ears as he sat penning his eight business letter of the day. Rising he peered out his study window to see the black and red painted carriage of none other than his aunt Lady Petunia Russell. A feeling of unease mixed with rising determination washed over him as he thought of the upcoming encounter with his cumbersome relative. The meeting was one that was arranged due to necessity rather than want, and Alexander now had to attempt to play the pleasing nephew.

Lady Russell descended the steps from her ornate carriage and tilted her head to take in the impressive façade before her. It had been quite some time since she had received a private invitation to visit her nephew and she was intrigued as to the summons. The servants greeted her warmly outside before inquiring after her trip. She returned pleasantries and entered the main foyer to be met by her nephew. He stood in contemplation before he moved forward and spoke "My dear aunt, I hope you have had a pleasant journey? If you would follow me I would like to converse with you in private" he paused before continuing "It has been too long, has it not, since we have had the chance to speak at length?" Nodding she followed his lead down the hallway, although his closed expression caused a tinge of uneasiness to begin to grow within her.

Before long, Alexander stopped before a dark mahogany door and quickly turned the handle to reveal his study. Without another word he entered and seated himself behind his desk, gesturing to his aunt to take the seat opposite. As Lady Russell approached, she very much felt that the mood of their meeting had changed from what she thought was to be a relaxed get-together, to one of formality. Taking the offered seat she laughed "I had rather expected a different scenario for our meeting" her voice rising in pitch as she spoke. It was evident to Alexander that she was becoming irritated. "Hmm perhaps you did expect a different greeting aunt, but you must know the reason for this meeting" he spoke, raising an eyebrow. She tilted her head in response and grinned before she continued "Yes I suppose it has been too long since we have conversed in private, since my dear brothers and your wonderful mama's untimely deaths, I confess we have not had many chances to spend time together" Smiling she added " I am so glad you organised this visit".

Either Lady Russell was entirely in the dark as to her summons here, or she was being decidedly crafty Alexander pondered, as he sat eyeing her curiously across the expanse of his desk. Choosing to go with the latter option, he fixed her with an unmoving stare and almost snarled "Don't play coy with me aunt, your cruel machinations in my household have been discovered, perhaps I will call Lily back in here to recount the tale" At the mention of Isabella's ladies maid, Lady Russell stared in shock before recovering her countenance almost immediately. However, the sudden shift in demeanour could not be hidden from Alexander's gaze, consequently, he instantly had his verdict.

Leaning back in his brown leather armchair he waited for her confession. "I do not know who this Lily girl you speak of is... and as for my being involved in any conspiracies within your household!..." she scoffed letting another high pitched laugh escape her "my dear nephew, why would I want to add further to the burden you already have - in managing this estate? You are my brothers' son, I would not dream of causing you any grievance!" Alexander grinned once more at her response, she is a somewhat convincing liar he thought. He had hoped that she would confess to her wrongdoings and that the matter could be resolved in as amicable a way as possible. However, it was now clear that she was truly devious. He was certain her lies and clever scheming had proved elusive to many in the ton, but she was sorely mistaken if she thought to outwit him.

From an early age, he had been required to take on the responsibility of running the estate after his parents' tragic deaths. Unlike many his age who might have yielded under the pressures of such a responsibility, he had been determined to follow on in his ancestors footsteps and maintain the legacy they had left behind. In time, he learned the skills necessary to managing a wide and diverse range of staff, one such skill was the ability to assess a person's character and oftentimes discover what drove them in life- their goals, their backgrounds. Thus, now seated across from his meddlesome aunt he was sure of her involvement, her past officious behaviour made him certain that she was capable of such. As for a motif for the deed, he was confident he had the answer.

"Why indeed, would you want to cause me any grievance? Well I believe a certain governess who is in my employ might be the reason!" he spoke. She did not flinch at his words, instead she sat proudly in front of him with a look of unconvincing confusion on her face. His anger now mounting at her steadfast acting, he decided to put an end to the charade. "You may enter" he called gruffly before the door creaked open and Lily entered slowly. Lady Russell turned and observed Lily with a blank expression, as if she had never encountered the girl before. "Ah my dear, I would like some tea, would you be so kind as to fetch me some? I am parched after my journey here!". Alexander gritted his teeth in annoyance, his patience now running thin. "She is not here to serve you refreshments aunt, she does carry something that you may find of interest, however". As those words left his mouth, Lady Russell's eyes darted to Lily once more, this time seeing the crumpled piece of paper with a red wax seal that was now trembling between her fingers".

As Alexander watched she visibly paled, her eyes wildly moving to shoot Lily an icy stare. Lily averted her eyes to the floor and whispered "They had a servant search my room..." Lady Russell stood then, the chair screeching across the floor behind her "You stupid girl, I told you to burn it" she barked referring to the handwritten letter she had given to Lily detailing her instructions. With that her hand flew out, intending to strike the cowering servant before her, until a strong masculine hand stopped her. "You may have succeeded in buying Lily's assistance to carry out your bidding, but you shall not harm her for failing in it". Pulling her hand from his grasp, she turned on her heal attempting to scurry away, however Alexander stepped past her blocking her escape route. "You and I are going to have a little chat aunt" he growled in a deep voice. Locking the door, he removed the key and returned to his chair, enjoying the sudden change in his aunts' previously nonchalant demeanour. "And to think, you even signed the incriminating letter...and no code words were used to give your instructions to Lily" he spoke shaking his head and clicking his tongue to make a tut-tut sound "I had thought you might have shown more prowess in your underhanded games! But no, it seems cowardly threats and lies are your greatest strengths"

Evidently deciding to go on the attack, Lady Russell crossed her arms before speaking "You brought this on yourself, the moment you decided to bring that harlot you call a governess into this household. She wants only to swindle you out of your money and cause shame on this family...The little hussy likely thinks she can trick you into marrying her...I know her kind!" As soon as it had vanished Alexander's anger emerged once more. He quickly rose his hand in motion for her to cease the deluge of vitriolic words that were pouring from her. "That is enough!" he snarled, forcing himself to keep his temper in check. "I do not want your unsolicited and unfounded opinions. Isabella has more kindness in her little finger than you have in your entire being!" She balked in response, her eyes becoming wide "There you see, this is what I had feared! She has bewitched you!" Her increasing unease caused him to smile widely and he drawled "Perhaps she has...perhaps I'm completely under her spell".

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