Flights of purpose

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Alexander carefully opened the unassuming letter with trepidation, his hands trembling slightly as he awaited her words. It felt as though every particle of air had been bludgeoned from his lungs he realised as he unfolded the delicate paper. Taking a deep inhalation of breath he read:


I realise that my sudden departure will come to you as a shock, however I found that it was easier to leave this way. My mind was inexorably made up after the events that transpired yesterday and I could not bring myself to inform you of my decision, for fear that you would endeavour to stop me. I am certain that my leaving is for the best, as I do not wish to cause any further needless rifts between you and your relatives.

I regret that I am leaving without allowing you the necessary time to ascertain a new governess for Emma. For this I most sincerely apologise. I spoke to Mrs Carter at dawn and she has assured me that she will look into finding a suitable replacement at once, so as to ensure as little disruption to Emma's lessons as possible. I must ask you not to blame Mrs Carter for aiding me in my parting this morning. In her alone I confided my true plans to leave indefinitely and I have asked her not to trouble you with the matter. Please inform the other staff and dear Emma when you see fit. If you will permit it also, I have asked Mrs Carter to be my pen pal, so that I may continue to know how Emma fares into the future.

Please accept my best wishes for your future happiness and marital felicity. Our lives are undeniably set on different paths, but it was fortuitous that those paths crossed, if only for a time.



His eyes stared at the page long after he had read it, her words seemed so final but he could not accept them. The only expression he could take hope from was her parting word- Yours. The rest had been so clinical, so controlled, he thought. Embracing that small element of hope he walked to the foyer and called for Alfred before stating "Have my valet pack a travel bag for me, and call for a carriage to be readied and brought around immediately". Without waiting for Alfred's reply he marched in the direction of the kitchens once more before he spotted who was looking for meandering toward him, a look of unease was still evident on her elderly features. "I believe from the expression you are wearing that you now know she is gone" Mrs Carter said faintly before her eyes softened and she opened her mouth to speak once more. He stilled her next words then by interrupting "Does her mother still reside in Bath?" 

Mrs Carter blinked in response her mouth falling open as she realised the motive for his questioning "Your grace I believe you must respect her decision" she exclaimed. A look of annoyance crossed his face at her words before he took two steps toward her, unreservedly invading her space. Eying her coldly he all but growled "I asked you a question and I expect an answer. Or have you forgotten your station?" Mrs Carter was undeniably taken aback by his behaviour, never in all her time in this household had she seen him act towards her in this way. Meeting his icy stare she nodded "Yes she still resides there". "Good" he grunted before turning and marching back the way he came, however after he had taken a few steps he stalled and turned back to see her still rooted to the same spot " I expect more loyalty from you in future, you are aware that I should be informed of all goings on in my own they occur". Mrs Carter nodded sternly at his words then, before he proceded to continue toward the main door of the house.

The carriage had just trundled up outside as he stepped out into the fresh air and breathed in a deep inhalation of air, in an attempt to relieve his pent up stress. Without waiting for his valet he walked down the stone steps leading from the house and hurried toward the carriage. Flinging open the carriage door he deposited himself on one of the plush seats within and waited anxiously. He could hear voices echoing from the house then before his valet appeared at the doorway with a bag in hand. On seeing his master he proceded to hurry down the steps, a look of confusion evident on his features. "Get in Sam" Alexander called to him before he rushed into the carriage and took the seat opposite him. Alfred and Mrs Carter suddenly appeared at the doorway and Alfred speedily ran down the steps towards the carriage. His breath came in gasps as he spoke "Your Grace, I beg pardon, but when should I expect your return?" Alexander took in his flustered state and responded "I do not know, I shall return when all is resolved"

Taking in his cryptic words Alfred nodded resignedly. Mrs Carter had just informed him of her tête-à-tête with the master and he presumed that some misunderstanding must have occurred between himself and Miss Bradford that had caused her to depart so suddenly and for him to be inquiring as to her whereabouts. He turned toward the driver then and shouted "Take his grace to Bath". However as he spoke these words Alexander gave him a cutting glare before he poked his head out of the carriage door and called "No I am bound for London. Make haste" Alexander swiftly slammed the carriage door shut before it surged into motion down the driveway. Sighing in confusion, Alfred turned about and made his way back up the white stone steps to the doorway. Two thoughts circled in his mind: What need has the master to leave for London so suddenly and why has Miss Bradford decided to depart without informing her employer. As he met Mrs Carter's worried stare he decided to question her further on the matter, she had always gotten on well with the young governess, he knew. One thing was for sure he mused then, Miss Bradford had best not stay away too long, for the duke has been decidedly happier since hers and Emma's arrival.

In the same moment as Alfred reached the doorway, the carriage turned off the estates driveway and rolled onto the road to begin the journey to London. Inside the carriage, Alexander busied himself by retrieving his cousin's letter from his coat pocket once more. Scanning its contents for the second time he exhaled an uneven sigh and deliberated- Lieutenant Thomas Perry, you may well be my saviour.

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