Secret Rendezvous.

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Moving toward the vanity table Isabella reached around trying to unhook her soiled dress. After a long time of attempting to wrestle the garment from her, she stood in front of the mirror in her corset and underskirts thinking "I just want to crawl into bed and forget tonight!" A light knock on her door broke the silence and she called "Come in" expecting Lilly to enter. "Lady Worthington told me what happened" came Alexander's low voice as he quietly closed the door behind him.

Isabella stared at him in shock "You shouldn't be in here!" she gasped before grabbing her shawl from the bed to cover her state of undress. "I came to see if you are alright!" he spoke in a concerned voice before he moved toward her "My aunt can be a disagreeable woman". "Well that's one word for her" she said without thinking. Alexander laughed, his eyes alight and Isabella giggled in turn, her annoyance at the past events slowly dissipating. "You did not wear the necklace I gave you?" he questioned. She paused "I could not accept it...It was too much".

Alexander stared at her then, a look of sadness barely visible in his eyes. "A pity you felt you could not...I thought perhaps you were irritated with me for some reason. I noticed that you were not wearing it at dinner". There was a long pause then and Isabella stared passed him. She wanted to say so many things but the words would not come to her. Finally returning her eyes to him she stated "I hear you are to be married next summer...congratulations!" in her best imitation of a cheerful voice. Gulping she averted her eyes before he saw the pained look present there.

"Now where did you hear that?" he spoke with an inquiring gaze before he added "let me guess, was it my aunt?". When Isabella nodded he moved toward her "I'm sorry if she was unkind to you...I saw her stare at us while we danced...she can be a quick tempered woman" Isabella nodded and he continued "She expects that I marry, but there are no plans arranged yet" his voice was almost a whisper. "While Lady Worthington is a pleasant girl, she is just that...and I find that I have no inclination to wed her...despite my aunts constant badgering".

Isabella smiled then, the ache that had formed in her heart starting to subside slightly. "However, I will need to marry in the not too distant future and it was my late father's wish that I make an alliance with the Worthington family...I need an heir after-all..." he spoke. Isabella nodded her eyes downcast. In an ideal world she would have shouted "Don't marry her, marry me!" but her mind rationalised that he was of high noble birth, and her employer. Thus it would not be acceptable for them to marry by any means even if he somehow wished to, which she doubted. "Well I hope she will make a good step mother to Emma" she said quietly, hiding her true thoughts.

Staring at her guarded expression, Alexander could not read what she was thinking. Every fibre of his being wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her, if only to get a different reaction from her. "Let's return to the ball shall we" he said trying to sound more upbeat. Isabella looked into his eyes then, smiling oddly "not in this" she spoke gesturing to her state of undress. "Ah I guess not!" he smiled and moved toward her wardrobe.

Isabella watched in both surprise and amusement as he took a beautiful evening gown made of dark cyan coloured* taffeta from the wardrobe. "How about this?" he asked holding it out before he looked at her and noticed her gleeful smile. "You would make an excellent ladies maid" she said laughing. He beamed at her, enjoying the sound of her laughter and realised it had been quite some time since he had heard it. Isabella took the dress from him saying "It is a gorgeous colour, you have good taste!". He gave her his signature wolfish grin then before saying "Don't seem so surprised!" Isabella smiled before her mood changed and she spoke "Perhaps I should remain here, I don't want to have another encounter with your aunt again. I get the feeling she dislikes me".

Alexander looked into her eyes, a boyish expression present on his face, and said "Don't worry about her. Besides I would like to dance with you again". Isabella smiled at him, he seemed younger somehow when he looked at her that way. She felt like she was seeing Alexander the man, not a prestigious duke. "Well then how can I refuse" she smirked. "I must admit I'm glad to see you are more relaxed, you were quite distracted for a time, after your return" she spoke, before realising her bluntness.

An exhalation of breath escaped his lips. "Yes lately I have been embroiled in a rather heated debate in the House of Lords over the recent rebellion in India. It's a conflicting matter, I have made my position on it clear, but I'm meeting a lot of objection". "And what is your position?" Isabella spoke looking concerned. He looked away from her then "I think we should move our soldiers out of India and cease the operations of the East India Trading Company. There has been too much corruption and needless violence. I could speak on the matter all day... but now is not the time" he said giving a broken smile.

Returning his eyes to look at her she witnessed the concern there. Isabella moved toward him and said "I believe your position on the matter is the right one". Smiling at her he nodded a look of conviction evident in his expression. "Well I had better call Lilly...I don't think I can manage the lacing on this dress myself" she laughed. "No need to call her, I can help" he said then. Isabella's expression changed before she laughed "I think that is just an excuse to see me in my corset!" Smirking he uttered "Perhaps!".

Isabella shook her head slowly before giving a sigh. She removed her shawl and stepped into the dark cyan gown before placing her arms through the short cupped sleeves. He came up behind her then, and started to hook and lace up the back of the dress, taking his time as he went. His closeness made her uneasy and when he whispered "Finished!" into her ear she took a sharp intake of breath. She turned around and he slowly moved his eyes from the hem of her dress all the way to her face. "Stunning" he quietly spoke. Isabella's heartbeat quickened as her eyes met his and she whispered "You are too kind your grace".

He moved toward her then, until not even a hairs breath stood between them. "Wrong" he growled. Bending down, he lowered his head and spoke into her ear once more "try again".  "You are not too kind your Gr...". As she had begun to speak his title he shook his head. "...Alexander" she whispered. "Better" he spoke in a hushed tone. Isabella's heart was beating loudly. "Is he going to kiss me" she thought before she felt herself blush. However Alexander continued to stand where he was without movement.

He then reached for her hand and lifted it to his lips. Kissing the soft skin on the inside of her wrist he looked into her eyes and spoke "We had best return to the ball, the guests will be starting to wonder where I have disappeared to". Nodding Isabella followed him to the door and they proceeded to walk down the lengthy staircase side by side, to the sound of music below.

*The dark cyan coloured dress I imagined here is the one on the title cover for this story.

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