Familial Restoration

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Isabella awoke and eyed her unfamiliar surroundings before remembering that she was presently lodging in her aunt's house in Bath. She had arrived the day before and her mother had almost combusted with excitement on seeing her. However the change she witnessed in her mother was stark, for her once resilient self-assured mama had become weary and fragile. The bottom had come out of her world and she now lived a half existence relying on the charity of her sister in a town she barely knew. This recognition had hit Isabella like a tonne weight and she knew that something had to be done. Dressing quickly she decided to walk into town in order to enquire about teaching positions in the area. If she could begin earning money again, she could at least start contributing to the running of her aunt's house in addition to sending any little income she had left over to her father.

The days passed slowly and she prayed each day for a response from her advertisement for employment. At least if she was busy she could keep her errant mind from straying constantly to him. Her mother had questioned her on her sudden dismissal from the dukes' service, for that was the fabricated story that Isabella had decided to tell her. Admitting the truth would be folly she believed. Her mother had then enquired after the duke, assuming that he was a cold, heartless man for discharging her so suddenly. Isabella had found it too difficult to discuss him, and so changed the subject without contradicting her mother's assumptions. It was best to let her believe whatever she thought, for she could not dispute her thoughts without revealing the true nature of the man...the man she still loved.

Deciding it was best to busy herself as much as possible until she gained paid employment Isabella spent most of her days helping the few servants in her aunts employ with their work. While her mother disagreed with her labors, saying they were "not fit for a lady", Isabella knew the alternative of sitting leisurely all day was not to be borne. Thus, today she was sitting in the kitchen helping one of the maids to pod peas for dinner when her mother came bustling in with a letter in hand "There you are my dear, I've been looking for you. The posts just come and with it the most unbelievable news. It seems your father has arranged a court case in an attempt to be released on bail" She beamed in excitement then before waving the piece of paper in her hand "Here read it for yourself. You see he is endeavoring to reform himself, he is trying to come back to us!" she proclaimed as tears formed in her eyes. Isabella took the letter from her in astonishment and read the words that confirmed her mother's statement. However as her eyes assimilated the information there, the most interesting part was the name that was signed at the bottom

Yours Sincerely

Bertrand Stewart. PC. FRS

- Barrister for the defendant

How on earth had her father managed to ascertain this man to help in his case? she thought instantly. From what little she knew of the legal system, she recognised this man's name as someone who had won high profile cases in the past, and from his listed credentials she knew that he normally would not represent lowly impoverished lords in court. Being a member of the Privy Council and a Fellow of the Royal Society, his reputation was sturdy. Thus, why would he help her father, and how could her papa even pay him for his service? Questions abounded in her mind as she folded the piece of paper and handed it back to her mother. Somebody had to be helping him she assumed. Perhaps my father has some connections that were assisting him she thought. The matter was a confounding one and she knew she would have to pen a letter to her father in order to ascertain answers. With that belief in mind she excused herself and decided to see to the matter directly.

Three days had passed since she had sent a letter to her father requesting further information about his court case and an explanation as to how he had acquired Mr Stewart's legal aid. She knew it would be a few days before she would receive a reply, as she was now quite far from London and post coaches took exceedingly longer to arrive than private carriers.

It was a fine day as she returned from Bath town with some fresh fruit from the market. Taking a bite from a succulent apple she reached her aunts home and the scene that met her shocked her to her very core. The door was wide open, and there in the entrance hall stood her father embraced in her mother's arms. The half-eaten fruit dropped from her hand as she stood gaping in joy and confusion. Her legs moved of their own accord and before she knew it she stood before her father on shaking legs. Becoming aware of her presence a smile enveloped his features before he took her into his arms and encased her in a consuming hug. His eyes brimmed with emotion as he moved to stare down at her and all but whispered "We won! I've been released on bail" Her heart thudded in response as she registered his words and a flurry of questions proceeded to circle around in her mind. Batting them away for now she hugged him again in true delight and spoke "I'm so happy you are back!"

Copious amounts of sandwiches, tea, biscuits and sweet cakes were consumed for lunch in the hour following her father's miraculous return. In between his ravenous mouthfuls of food and his frequent declarations of love for "Fine English tea" and how he had "missed it exceedingly" Isabella questioned him about the court case and all that preceded it. While he told her of the fortunate support he had in Mr Stewart, he remained tight lipped on just why and how he had come to his assistance. He had recounted how the case had come before the courts sooner than expected due to Mr Stewarts connections and standing within the judicial system. For "Connections are everything" he had mumbled through a mouthful of partially-chewed shortcrust biscuit. As Isabella's questioning became tiresome and her mother shot her ever more sharp looks at her persistent inquisitiveness, she finally sat back in bewilderment and sighed in contemplation- the whole matter just seemed odd.

Her father's joyous mood continued after lunch and her mother seemed blissfully unaware of her daughter's suspicious mind. It seemed her mama cared only that he was home, the reason for his astonishing release did not seem to play on her mind one iota. Deciding to take a stroll, Isabella excused herself from her parents company. She was wrapping her shawl about her shoulders in the entrance hall when her father appeared at her side "Ah my dear, I have not had a moment to speak with you alone since my arrival. But I have something I must give to you. I have been honour bound and sworn to secrecy as it were" he smiled in a conspirator way "Here take this" he grinned handing her a small piece of folded paper. She eyed it oddly before taking it and saying "Who is it from?" Winking at her then he whispered "My liberator".  

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