Return of the wanderer

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"Winter has surly settled in" Isabella mused as she wrapped her woollen shawl more tightly around herself. She stared out the window seeing the glistening specs of frozen ice in the gardens beyond. Sighing she thought of Alexander. He had been gone for almost a month since he'd announced he had "business" to see to. Isabella had briefly inquired of the situation to the servants and received little information along with odd looks.

She had felt uneasy in the house since his departure, so as she readied herself for another day she hoped for his return, "if only to restore some commonality to the house" she told herself. She supposed it was not unusual that he should be called away for long periods of time, due to his station in society. However, Isabella could not shake the feeling of annoyance that he had not contacted her along with the pesky thought that she was his employee and as such had no right to be annoyed. "He could have at least wrote a letter to inquire after Emma" she thought sighing before leaving her bedroom.

Isabella walked down the long staircase to the schoolroom sliding her hand along the wooden banister as she went. Emma was playing in the hallway as she descended and so on seeing her she ran forward and walked with her to the schoolroom. They had become accustomed of late, settling into any easy pattern and as Isabella led her to their destination she reminisced of how she cared for Emma far beyond that of a schoolteacher. She wanted Emma to have the best that life could offer, she wanted her to learn and grow into the splendid intelligent woman she knew she could be. While beauty was the sought after attribute among society, it was only skin deep, it could not overshadow a keen mind and a generous heart. With that thought in mind, she began the lessons for the day and soon left Emma to her reading. It was during this interlude that she walked to the window and noticed how the morning sun shone on her new pale pink dress. It was a day dress that Madame Delaurier had made, and it fitted her perfectly. It was not what she would have liked to wear today, but her teaching dresses had still not arrived. Only her day and evening wear had made it, accompanied by a small note stating that the others would "follow soon".

Isabella had secretly revelled in the chance to wear such fine new cloths, however the looks that some of the staff continued to give her were becoming disconcerting. It was only natural that they should be confused as to her dressing as if she were a lady of the ton rather than a governess. Mrs Carter and Emma had been the only ones that had acted positively. When she had entered the breakfast room two days previously in a lilac and cream embroidered dress Mrs Carter had announced "My dear, you look a vision in that dress!". Much to Isabella's surprise she had not inquired how Isabella had come to own it, but she instinctually felt she must have known. She mused that it was nice to know that at least Mrs Carter seemed to bear her no ill will.

The sound of footsteps then broke through her thoughts,  as she turned around the door opened to reveal none other than Alexander. He stopped in the doorway and gazed at her for what felt like an eternity before clearing his throat and saying "Isa.. Miss Bradford... you look well...". He smiled oddly at her before turning his attention from her, his eyes searching for Emma instead. However, Emma had already sprang from her chair and darted forward, her arms extended in glee. In one swift motion Alexander lifted her up and twirled her about the room, laughing heartily as Emma giggled in turn.

The annoyance Isabella had felt at his odd and brief greeting soon faded on seeing the pair reunited and a small laugh erupted from her. She then noted Alexander's appearance, he was dressed in a black greatcoat that was covered in splashes of mud and his hair was windswept making him look more handsome than ever. He turned noticing her stare and smiled " I rode on horseback for the final 15 miles..." he then beamed at Emma once more " I couldn't wait to see you; little one!" She giggled and hugged him tightly "Why were you gone for so long?" she inquired staring into his blue/grey eyes. "A few things came up when I was in London, so I had to stay longer than I had expected to...but I'm back now...and I may have brought you a present!"

Emma squealed in excitement "What is it!". "Hmm I think you can wait until after your lesson, I'm sure Miss Bradford has plenty left to teach you!" he replied before placing her once more on the ground. He then looked to Isabella stating "Come to my study after lessons...there is something I'd like discuss with you" His tone of voice was formal and devoid of his usual friendly charm, which perplexed Isabella. She nodded in response which seemed to be enough of a reply for him because he then quickly turned and exited the room, leaving Isabella confused once more as to his change in behaviour.

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