The Unexpected.

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Shock can often have two affects on people; it can cause them to freeze and become motionless or act decisively and often rashly. In Isabella's case it was the latter, instead of stopping she quickly moved toward the only member of staff she saw and decided to ignore his presence.

There was a small wooden desk labelled "enquiries" where a kindly looking young girl was standing.  She hurried forward and received a friendly greeting of "how do you do Madame, how may I help you?" 

Isabella gathered her countenance and stated "Good day, I would like to place an advisement for a teaching position?" She then handed her a small piece of paper detailing her particular details and subjects of interest. "Certainly Madame" the girl stated moving towards the back of the building.

Isabella did not want to turn around. Instinctually she knew he was still there and didn't want to make conversation with him, mostly because she was not ready for his pity, which would inevitably follow. Thus she kept her back straight and faced the counter until the girl returned. "That should be no problem Miss" she said "The only other information I require is your level of experience...How many years have you taught?"

Isabella stammered "Ah well... you see this will be my first teaching position...but I am highly educated, I'm certain I will excel in this role" she exaggerated as any desperate individual will.

The girl smiled oddly saying "I see" before writing something on a piece of paper which Isabella thought said "No work experience". She smiled once more saying "I do hope you will be successful". A doubtful look pervaded her eyes, before she stated "that will be 10 shillings Madame".

Isabella paid and asked to be informed of any upcoming positions that might suit her before making her way out the door. She could feel his eyes upon her, but refused to look back.

The following days passed in anxious anticipation and Isabella arose early each morning hoping to hear a favourable response to her advertisement. She had picked up a copy of the newspaper the day after she had visited the print house and stared at her advertisement on the 'jobs wanted' section. On seeing the small black print her current predicament became all the more real and she sighed audibly.

The atmosphere of the house had become almost eerie. Only she and Mary the only servant left; were still residing there. Thus when the end of the week neared, Isabella prayed that good news would soon come. She began to make possible plans of travelling to Bath and having any mail redirected, but hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Thursday morning dawned with a flurry of snow as winter was enviably setting in and Isabella once more descended the now cold stairs to a cheerful sight. There on the floor beneath the front door sat two letters. She ran forward scooping them up and saw that the first had a return address from the newspaper print house. She tore it open quickly and read.

 Dear Miss Bradford,

Following your advertisement for employment we are delighted to inform you that you have had two interested parties. The first is from a school in Inverness, Scotland that requires a teacher for 20 pupils. The other comes from Surrey, England from a single father who needs a governess for his five children. I have enclosed the contact details for both with this letter and an approximation of the wage that will be permitted following a successful interview.

Wishing you every success,

Caroline Brady- Secretary.

Isabella stared at the letter, her mind working. "Inverness!!" she winced, she had hoped for somewhere not so far away as it would take many days by carriage to reach and was so far from her parents. While being governess to 5 children was the better option of the two it was also a lot to take on.

"Damn this!" she thought wondering why life was not being kind to her. However she acknowledged all the same that she was fortunate to have any interest due to her lack of experience.

Inevitably fatigued she sat down and began to rationalize once more focusing on the fact that she would have to leave this house tomorrow regardless, as her time to vacate was closing near.

"I will have to consider the prospect of moving to Surrey" she thought before moving toward the writing desk to pen a letter of interest and have it delivered quickly by private carrier.

The forgotten second letter in her hand then drew her attention and she gasped when she turned it over and saw the seal of the Duke of Rothbury emblazoned in red wax. Her hands shook as she opened it and read,

Dear Miss Bradford,

It is likely that you may be shocked to read this, but following our strained encounter at the newspaper house this past Monday; I have a proposition for you. You see, I too was there to place an advertisement; it was to find a governess to teach and care for my ward Emma who will arrive tomorrow. It was brought to my attention that you had just enquired about a teaching position and the coincidence was fortuitous I thought. While I am now aware of your current circumstances I will not interfere or give pity as you bade me. However I do wish to offer you the position of governess in my household?

Following our past encounters I would like to highlight that our relationship will be strictly professional. I have enclosed the figure of your wages and all other expenses will be covered. If you accept you shall live as a member of my staff at my primary residance in Rothbury Estate, Kent. I hope to receive your response by this evening as I will need to start interviewing others should you decline.


Alexander Kingsley.

Isabella was starting to become better at dealing under shock however it hit her all the same. She looked at the sum he had offered to pay her and her eyes widened. It was triple that of the family in Surrey and five times what she had been offered from the school in Scotland.

On finances alone her decision was almost made, added to the fact it was a definite offer with no interview required. She assessed that she could make her fathers and mothers lives very comfortable indeed if she accepted his incredibly generous offer.

However once more she resisted thinking "How can I live with this man though? Knowing what has passed between us!" The thought of spending every day in his house made her shudder in anticipation and she berated herself while also thinking "Maybe there is another way?" Maybe she could request to live on one of the cottages in his estate; he was a Duke after all.

It would make her decision a lot easier knowing there would be some measure of separation between them. Therefore she threw the first letter to the side and began to pen a letter to Alexander instead. She began formally as he had knowing she would have to get used to calling him by his title.

Your Grace

I was surprised and happy to receive your letter. To keep my reply brief I would like to accept your kind offer and extend my thanks. I have but one request. I would like a place of residence on your estate that is not your home. You may find my request bold but I would feel more content knowing my life and work are kept somewhat separate. I am happy to pay rent for such a place of course.

I thank you again,


Isabella Bradford.

She let out a shaky breath knowing her request was a daring one. Most governesses lived in the residence of their students. However, she intuitively felt she would be uneasy living and working for him while ultimately knowing he was to be married to another. She would after-all be his employee and their relationship would be very different.

The memory of their kiss surfaced in her mind and she pushed it away. Instead her mind then wandered to Emma; "I can't wait to hopefully meet her" she smiled. The idea of teaching a child and watching them grow gave her hope that maybe things would get better.

With that positive thought she called Mary and asked her to deliver the letter to Alexander's London address, handing her a penny coin for her troubles. Her heart quickened thinking of his response and how her life was once again about to veer in another unexpected way. She was beginning to expect the unexpected...

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