Pathetic Fallacy

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The pattering of raindrops against the window was all that could be heard as Isabella awoke. Rising, she donned her dressing robe and moved toward the window pane. Hundreds of droplets cascaded down the mist laden glass as she looked out to the green fields and wooded areas beyond. From this level of the house she could even see the tops of the small cottages in the village and the chapel steeple towering above them all. The view was as picturesque as a painting she pondered, though far more charming on a fine day. As she continued to stare out at the dreary day, an approaching figure on horseback caught her eye, and she squinted her eyes to try and get a clearer look. 

The individual came into view and Isabella recognised Midnight first before she realised his master was atop him. A black top hat was tilted over Alexander's face shielding him from the elements, she assumed. He wore a large dark greatcoat that billowed out behind him as he raced through the open field. He rode as though the devil himself was chasing him, Isabella thought as she watched him with a feeling of concern creeping over her. Taking a sharp turn to the left he disappeared out of view, riding in the direction of the stables. Isabella sat in thought for a long while, trying to discover some answer as to his flighty behaviour. The thoughts of possibly encountering a brooding Alexander at breakfast wasn't appealing to her. Thus she went to the schoolroom and readied her lessons for the day.

Lessons moved slowly while the rain continued to pour outside. It seemed that the dismal weather was affecting everyone's mood including Emma's, Isabella thought, as she herself tried to remain cheery. Perhaps this was pathetic fallacy* in true effect she mused. 

"Lundi, Mercradi, Mardi, Jeudi" Emma started reciting reluctantly in French before Isabella stopped her for the third time. "Mardi comes before Mercredi. It might be helpful to remember that Mercredi is Wednesday, and it is a longer word in both languages than Monday and Tuesday". Emma nodded gloomily before she sighed and continued her recitation once more. After she had perfected Monday through to Thursday, Isabella decided it was time to give her a break. Thus, she left her to play and decided to seek out the kitchens in the hope that she could get some late breakfast.

The level of activity that met her as she entered the kitchens was surprising. The staff bustled back and forth in a panicked sort of way, and there seemed to be an excessive amount food being made for an average Thursday. Stopping a kitchen girl who was about to dash past her with a bowl of podded peas, she asked "What's all this commotion about?" The girl looked at her oddly before she spoke hurriedly "Lady Russell is calling today, his grace just informed us this morning. If the food isn't perfect she will be on the warpath!" With that, she scurried off to the other side of the kitchen and handed the bowl to an elderly lady who reprimanded "where have you been! Get the pestle and mortar girl, quickly!"

A feeling of dread washed over Isabella as she thought of having to be in Lady Russel's company once more. She had always dined with Alexander each evening and she assumed that the presence of a guest would not cause any change in arrangements. However she so longed to have a reason to excuse herself from dinner, if she was expected to be there. As her mind worked her stomach gave a load growl reminding her she had skipped breakfast. She moved toward the pantry and found a loaf of bread and some jam. Finding a patch of space on the worktable she cut the bread and liberally applied some butter and strawberry jam before taking a large bite. The kitchen staff were so busy they did not even notice the presence of an extra person, she mused. If she stayed much longer she would be getting errands to do, she smiled in thought. 

A few feet from her, two girls were busily chopping fresh herbs and peeling potatoes as Isabella took in the mayhem of the large kitchen around her. It was then that she heard the whispered tones of the same girls and she realised that they were taking about the incident from the day before. "Are ya sure it was Sally that went ta speak ta his grace, I heard tell it was Ginny?" one girl whispered, to which the other replied. "Well that's wha Sarah told me, an don't tell no one I told ya, but she said Lilly; Miss Bradford's maid, was seen crying yesterday!". The first girl stared in shock before she smiled "Well serves her righ if she's involved, never liked her anyway! That one's too big for her boots, I've always said it!". With the mention of Lily, Isabella's eyes went wide and she had to compose herself before she quickly put her head down and decided to escape the kitchen without being spotted.

When she returned to the schoolroom to her surprise Alexander was playing chess with Emma. "Never too young to learn" he smiled as Isabella entered the room and apologised "Sorry I just popped out for a few minutes". He grinned at her then "Mmm neglecting your duties are you!". "I'm the most hardworking person I know" she replied sarcastically and he smirked at her. "I never doubted it..." he drawled with a grin and Isabella's heart sped up a little. "Now I had come here for a reason!" he spoke looking slightly confused. "Oh yes, my aunt is calling today..." he paused gauging her response. Isabella decided to remain oblivious and spoke "Oh this is a surprise visit!". She paused then not knowing what else to stay.

Looking away, he turned toward the window before he spoke "Yes well if she decides to stay for dinner, I would like you and Emma to be there". Turning from the window he walked toward her before quietly saying "And don't let her intimidate you, she has a tendency to be a disagreeable sort of person". Isabella took in his tender expression and her heart began to beat faster once more, it was this side of Alexander she loved the most. "Love..." she thought as she continued to stare at him "Did she love Alexander? It seemed it had come on so progressively, it had crept up on her!" She suddenly became aware that she was gazing at him, hence trying to control her errant feelings, she responded "I'll try!". He winked at her then before saying in a serious tone "I had better leave you two to your fascinating lessons. Emma I expect you will be fluent in French by months end." Emma laughed at him, evidently hoping it was a joke and he quickly exited. "Now all I have to do is try and get through a dinner with the aunt of the man I love, when she clearly hates me!". Sighing she put on her best impression of a smile and went back to teaching Emma.

*Pathetic fallacy is a literary use, where the author attributes human emotions and traits to nature or inanimate things. For example, wherein weather affects the mood of an individual or a story: clear bright skies, somber clouds or an angry storm.

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