To be carefree..

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The sun was beginning to break through a cloud laden sky. Meanwhile, a light breeze disturbed the profusion of pink peony roses in the magnificent landscaped gardens surrounding Rothbury house. Isabella was sitting comfortably with Emma on the grass making daisy chains, when a far greater disturbance in the form of Lady Russell's carriage bustled down the nearby driveway at alarming speed. Isabella's brow furrowed in puzzlement as she watched the carriage reach the main gates and disappear to the right. While she had to admit that she had quite lost track of the time, as she often did when playing with Emma outdoors, she was quite certain no more than an hour had passed since their excursion began. The feeling of bewilderment did not subside as she rose to her feet and patted the creases from her day dress. Extending her hand towards Emma she helped her rise from the slightly damp grass and smiled "I think we should return inside, lest we catch cold from lounging on the lawn to long!" Emma sighed as she took Isabella's hand and lifted herself up "I do wish we could do this every day" she spoke.

The weather had improved in recent days from the cold dreary period that had preceded it and so Isabella had decided that an hour or two away from the classroom could not hurt. Thus, she grinned at Emma having thought the same exact thing earlier that day and stated "Perhaps we shall. As long as the weather stays fine, I believe we should do this every day!" Emma beamed at her then and her eyes gleamed as she said "You do make good choices sometimes Miss!" Isabella shook her head and laughed at her reply, holding Emma's hand they walked back toward the house enjoying the warmth of the sun as it beamed over them.

While the grass had been somewhat damp, the real reason Isabella had wanted to return to the house was due to the wave of curiosity that had flooded over her on seeing Lady Russell's carriage leave. But she could not deny that she was relieved as to the outcome. Lady Russell's timely departure meant that she was now free from having to bear another encounter with her over dinner. She smiled at that thought, however, her grin quickly faded when she neared the house and saw Alexander standing in the entranceway wearing a scowl on his face as though the entire world's troubles were on his shoulders. 

She approached the spot where he stood and he suddenly pulled himself from his trance. A look of surprise crossed his features before he recovered himself "Ah hello you two, I see you have been enjoying the fine weather". His eyes fell on Isabella and he smirked before saying "Who needs fine jewels when there are flowers in abundance?" Realisation dawned on her then and she looked down at the daisy chain necklace that Emma had earlier placed around her neck. A hint of a blush touched her cheeks and she looked into Alexander's eyes to see them sparking with warmth. "Precisely" she agreed nodding her head "And when there is such a talented girl to make them into necklaces!" Emma smirked at that remark before looking at Alexander "I should have made you one" she said in thought before she continued "I know! I will make you one tomorrow".

Alexander laughed heartily then, his whole body shuddering in amusement. Images of the looks that the servants would give him on seeing the master of the house wearing a chain of flowers while conducting his daily business permeated his mind. Evidently Emma remained blissfully unaware as to the imprudence of such an appearance. Her childlike innocence and carefree ways lightened his troubled heart and mind. Thus as he turned back toward the foyer of the house, Alexander felt a weight beginning to lift from him. It was as if his aunt's presence a moment ago was but a faded memory he mused.

However, as this contemplation entered his mind a further realisation soon followed and so turning to Isabella he questioned "Could I speak with you in my study?" She nodded instantly, her curiosity mounting and immediately thought of his aunt's quick exodus once more. He nodded at her reply before moving his head toward the sound of approaching footsteps "Agnes, this is fortuitous timing; young Emma hear is in desperate need of some lemon cake. She has no doubt worked up quite an appetite during her hour's industry" he chuckled. Emma's eyes lit up at the mention of her favourite treat and she quickly moved toward Agnes, her companions quickly forgotten. "Cook baked one this morning in fact" Agnes smiled "Come with me young lady!" she said and they hurried off in the direction of the kitchen.

Turning back to Alexander, Isabella questioned "Is there something in particular you wish to discuss with me?" He nodded and motioned for her to follow him "Yes there is Bella" he imparted and her heart instantaneously sped up at the use of his private pet name for her. They continued their path toward his study and soon came to that familiar heavy wood door. Entering Isabella took her regular seat across the desk from his and noticed how this room received the heat and warm glow from the setting sun in the evening. Instead of seating himself, Alexander walked toward the side table and lifted a decanter of brandy before filling two tumbler shape glasses to a quarter their capacity. His broad frame turned back to her once more and he laid one of the glasses in front of her before he seated himself with the other in hand. 

Isabella eyed her glass before meeting his expression and was about to tell him that she felt it was unwise to drink before dinner, when he said "I think a stiff drink is in order, due to what I am about to tell you" he smiled a reasuring sort of grin; however said smile did not meet his eyes. Swirling the dark liquid in his tumbler he took a sip and watched her over the glass rim. "Go ahead" he all but whispered "have a taste, you may enjoy it". For some unknown reason the timbre of his voice caused a shudder of want to permeate through her and she lifted her glass as if in a daydream before taking a delicate sip. He grinned at her and leaned back in his chair before sighing and meeting her gaze "Unfortunately, this meeting is about my aunt..."

Thanks to @holdingzcaptive for making me realise that hash tags work on Wattpad and for trying to start the trend #GoAUS

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