Carriage rides and ladies blushes.

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Isabella felt breathless; the thought crossed her mind to run back inside and away from this devastatingly seductive man. Before she could however, he tugged on her hand which was still entwined in his. He chivalrously led her to his awaiting carriage and if Isabella had not been aware of local gossip, she almost would have believed he was chivalrous. Instead she cautioned herself. It was undeniable that she felt weak round him. However, she knew that the almost wolfish look he had just given her had likely been given to countless ladies before her. These ladies in all likelihood had not just been led to his carriage, but also his bed.

This thought caused her to blush profusely just as Alexander had taken the seat across from her in the carriage. Alexander smirked "Is the carriage too warm for you my lady?" This made Isabella blush more "Ah no my lord...I mean your grace, I...It's just the carriage...It's so grand, I've never been in one like it" she staggered. Although Isabella had tried to come up with any semblance of an answer she could think of, her statement was however true.

The carriage was inlaid with black velvet seats with the Duke's family crest embroidered in golden thread on each. The word for it was "opulent" she mused. Her response made Alexander snigger "Ah I see my lady...well I've heard many excuses for a ladies blushes, but that response is new" he now laughed delightedly.

His laugh was infectious and Isabella found herself joining in, it eased her tension and she found that she felt quite comfortable around him, to her surprise. "Also please call me Alexander...I've never liked "your grace", for one thing being graceful is not a trait I possess". Isabella laughingly uttered "Well then that makes two of us".

Alexander flashed his wolfish grin once more simply saying "Hmm...Yes". The butterflies were starting to flutter in her stomach once more and she felt that if he did not stop smiling at her like that, she may well faint.

He was fashionably dressed in a fitted black suit and top hat she noted, and while she observed him he took of his hat and combed his long elegant fingers through his raven black hair. Isabella caught herself staring at him and quickly averted her eyes to the carriage window.  "Where are we going" she stated in more of a whisper than she had intended. "To Vauxhall Gardens* my lady... I thought we could take a stroll and have tea together". Isabella smiled "That sounds delightful your grace.. I mean Alexander".

Alexander moved in the blink of an eye, and came to sit beside her "Not as delightful as you my dear" he whispered moving his hand to rest it on her cheek. Before she could react, he lowered his head to hers and kissed her passionately. His mouth worked over her soft lips and Isabella gasped. He took this opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth, and began to slowly move it against her own in a tantalisingly slow dance.

Isabella felt as if she was miles away, enjoying the feel and taste of him, it felt deliciously sinful to be kissing such a poweful man. His hand then slowly moved to her breasts, feeling their fullness and he groaned into her mouth.The noise transported Isabella back to her senses and she pushed him away "My lord... I am not that kind of lady".

Alexander's eyes were dazed, he was still lost in the feel and closeness of her and it took him a minute to register her words "Forgive me my lady" he apologized, rising slowly to seat himself once more on the other side of the carriage.

There was silence for a few moments before he said "You cause me to act impulsively... that is the second time you have had such an effect on me" he smirked. Isabella knew that the first time he was referring to, was when he had paid her father's gambling debt at the Parker's ball.

"Yes I can't thank you enough for your help that night your grace...Although I do hope you have not gotten the wrong idea about me, I did not accept your invitation to grant reckless favours, it was done to show my appreciation and thank you....I don't know how to repay you, only to say your kindness impressed me and should you ever be in need of a friend you can always count me as one...."

 "Shhh my dear" Alexander interupted, I do not expect repayment and yes your friendship would please me, although that kiss has perplexed me, do friends kiss like that?"

Isabella stared at him open mouthed and blushed. Alexander laughed once more, "Well if the need comes over you to kiss me like that again, I am your willing subject" he teased. "You kissed me..." Isabella almost shouted "the arrogance" she thought internally. "Hmm yes I did and I would very much like to do so again... I can accept repayment in kisses if you feel you need to repay me" he laughed. Isabella felt she couldn't blush any more, but after his response her cheeks grew hotter.

"Ah, we are here" Alexander said gleefully "come my lady hide your blushes, or my manservant will think we have been doing more in here than just kissing" he remarked before taking her hand and opening the carriage door to lead her out into the sunshine beyond.

*Vauxhall Gardens was one of the leading venues for public entertainment in London, England from the mid 17th century to the mid 19th century.

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