Encroaching Realisation

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"Perhaps she has...perhaps I'm completely under her spell".

He had spoken these words purely to infuriate his troublesome aunt, however as they passed his lips, he realised that they were becoming the truth. However, while he was overcome by Isabella, he could not say it was due to any kind of spell or unconscious force, he had consciously fallen for her. Her strength of character, resilience, intellect and wit, not to mention her natural beauty were all characteristics that had entranced him. Pulling himself back from his reverie he rose to his feet and fixed his aunt with a cold stare. She stood up in turn and eyed him with irritation "You are a fool, your betrothed will not welcome your mistress into your marriage from the moment you both say 'I do'. Do you mean to shame poor Lady Worthington from the moment she becomes your duchess?" He smirked at her audacity, choosing to disregard her words, however they struck a chord with him all the same. Moving to the door he unlocked it saying "I think it best you leave, before any further unpleasant drivel leaves your mouth! The servants shall be disappointed that their work to prepare this evenings dinner was in vain. However, I think your parting is for the best" he grinned while struggling to keep his appearance of composure in check. She huffed in annoyance, moving past him with haste and scurried in the direction of the main door, with evident eagerness to depart.

Alexander exited his study trailing behind her toward the foyer. As he turned the corner into the open entranceway his aunt came to a dramatic stop before she spun swiftly on her heel and faced him once more. An expression that Alexander did not have time to comprehend flitted across her features for a fraction of a second before she hid it. Standing tall once more, Lady Russell sighed a sound of defeat before she gave him a beseeching look "I regret that things had to turn out this way nephew. I believe I thought only of you when I gave my instructions to Lily. I hope you will not let a common girl of no consequence come between us. Her family is quite ruined you know". It was evident that his aunt was attempting to mend bridges between them in her own insensitive way, but when those last words left her mouth Alexander could not help the flood of anger that consumed him once more. It appeared he could not keep it hidden this time either, because as soon as she witnessed his unbridled rage she held up her hand in a gesture of peace. Before she had a chance to utter another word Alexander walked slowly toward her with both hands clenched at his sides.

Lady Russell stood staring at him in surprise, plainly confused as to the effect her words had had. He came to a stop before her and looked down at her menacingly. A look of fear mixed with shock quickly crossed her features at witnessing this side to her nephew. A side she had never seen thus far. She quickly opened her mouth to speak "My dear I...." before Alexander broke through her words with a single utterance "Leave". She gaped at him, taking in the firm set of his jaw and the murderous look in his eyes. Picking up her skirts she moved at lightning speed toward the door, without glancing back. Good Alexander thought as he watched her scurry toward her carriage. A footman took her hand as she reached the gilded door and helped her into its velvet confines.

As soon as the carriage took off in motion Alexander felt his anger begin to dissipate. While he had been furious on hearing of his aunt's underhand dealings in his household, he had hoped that on confrontation she would see the error of her ways and display remorse. However, it seemed she was even more callous than he had imagined. While this realisation came as a shock, her words had also stung him and forced him to realise that Isabella was in a precarious position. If their relationship was being called into question by his aunt, how many others in society had or would do the same.

"Your Mistress..." his aunt's words echoed in his mind. While she had been wrong on that account, he could not deny that he wanted Isabella. Their fleeting encounters and stolen kisses were not enough and he found himself seeking her out more and more, just to be in her company. While he had tried in vain to distance himself from her, he now had to admit that the situation was becoming unbearable. Nevertheless, his aunt was right on one account, he was betrothed, and breaking that alliance would be a mark of disrespect on both the Worthington family and his own parents. An ache began to develop in his temples and he groaned in annoyance as he watched his aunt's carriage become naught but a faded object in the distance. Oh how he wished that his deceitful aunt had the rest of society could be just that- faded and unobtrusive.

Sorry about the shortness of this chapter. I thought it best to end here, as the next one changes to Isabella's perspective!

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