Close encounters

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"Blast this man!" Isabella thought as she took in the serious look etched on his features. The feeling of annoyance that had overtaken her was quickly overcome by a sensation of weariness. Thus, instead of replying to his question, Isabella turned her back on him and moved toward the armchair once more. Remaining standing she extended her hand to hold onto the back of the chair, the action being for the simple necessity of needing something physical to cling to. Eventually turning back to meet his expression once more she sighed "Why do you think I am here?" in a resigned tone of voice. Alexander eyed her closely for a long time, before he slowly moved toward where she was standing. With every pace Isabella watched him with a questioning stare, wondering what his intentions were.

He moved to stand but a hairs breadth from her and quickly took her hand in his. Isabella looked at her small pale hand entwined in his large olive skinned one and her heart began to speed up as it always did at his touch. His eyes followed her stare and he seemed ensconced in the way her small fingers were overtaken by his larger more powerful ones. Before too long he whispered "What happened..." and stared deeply into her eyes before he continued "don't tell me my aunt cornered you again?" It took Isabella a moment to regain her wits before she murmured "No not your aunt..." He continued to stare at her before he enquired "Well what is the matter then?" in a concerned tone.

Isabella contemplated whether or not to tell him the truth before her conscientious nature overrode all other thoughts and she spoke in earnest "It was your mistress that "cornered me" you so put it!" His eyes widened at her revelation and he watched her closely trying to ascertain the context of their meeting from her expression. However, Isabella remained to be closed book, so instead he inquired once more "What happened?"

Beginning to feel uneasy at the situation she pulled her hand from his grasp and turned away from him, deciding instead to seek out the warmth and comfort of the fire in the hearth. Extending her hands toward its heat she revelled in the warmth that pervaded her flesh and slowly spoke in a weary tone "Nothing of importance.... We crossed words...some unpleasant... the material point however is that she does not seem to be over you" emphasising the last word. Before she knew he had moved, his hands encircled her waist and he pulled her backwards, so that her back met his chest and torso. His warmth pervaded her and she gasped at the sudden contact. "Do I detect a hint of jealousy?" he whispered into her ear and she could tell that he wore a smirk on his lips.

Turning to face him, her eyes confirmed this, he stood smiling at her, an almost Cheshire like grin on his features. A blush overcame her cheeks and she pulled away from his embrace. "You are quite mistaken your grace..." He smirked once more at her then "So we are back to your grace?" Ignoring his comment she continued "I only sought to inform you of it, should she come seeking your company again, or try to embroil me somehow in your affairs!" She spoke the final words with a hint of anger in her voice and Alexander noticed it. "What do you mean?" he spoke the smile now leaving his face.

Isabella remained silent, instead deciding to affix her eyes to the stone floor beneath. "Isabella tell me what is the matter?" he spoke becoming agitated. The ticking of the clock reverberated through the deadly silent space before Isabella eventually opened her lips "It seems she believes that there is something between us..." she stumbled.

She thought of using Miss Spencer's exact words that Alexander was "enamored" of her, but by the look in his eyes he seemed to understand her meaning. He stared at her, a sober look on his face before "I see" erupted from him in a croaky voice.

Isabella's eyes returned to that most interesting point on the floor again and she wished that her blush would dissipate before Alexander spoke "And is there something between us, do you think?" Isabella's eyes snapped up to look into his questioning ones and her heart leaped. Her mind was a whir, should she admit what she felt for him and risk her position in his household or remain silent and risk possibly never having another chance to speak her heart's desire?

The silence stretched before she blurted "It is unfair to ask me that...I am in a precarious position...what I think is of little importance..." Alexander moved toward her then invading her space and whispered "What you think is of the utmost tell me- do you think there is something between us?" His heated stare caused her heart to rev up into a galloping pace again and before she had time to mull over her response the words "there could be" escaped her lips.

Alexander's heart gave a sudden thud at her response. He had never known that three words could fill him with such hope. They had tiptoed around each other for months and while he could not help but be overcome by her at times she had always seemed so in control of herself, to the point where he had begun to believe she did not care for him. The only times he doubted this were when he kissed her and she melted into him.

However a slight uneasiness still hung in the periphery of his consciousness. Swatting it away he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her passionately until she pulled away from breathlessness. "This is madness" Isabella whispered although it seemed like the most natural kind of madness. "It doesn't feel like it" Alexander smirked taking her hand in his and led her to the bedchamber. When she realised their destination Isabella gasped "Alex I...I cannot" her eyes darting to his boyish expression.

"Let me guess, you think that I want to ravish you?" he said grinning. Isabella nodded in response her mouth now becoming dry with nervousness and she had to admit- excitement. "Well I do wish to ravish you...but I shall not, I have not taken complete leave of my wits. I know that you are a lady and a maid". "I'm glad you understand" she said sighing and realised with shock that she fully trusted that he would keep his word.

Alexander's signature wolfish grin overtook his features once more before he lifted her bridal style and walked with her toward the medium sized bed. Isabella gave a very unladylike squeak before he spoke "It's clear we are both tired my Bella and this bed looks extremely comfortable and capable of fitting two people...If we cuddle close that is" he growled giving her a wink.

She giggled in response before giving him a questioning stare "You're not going to try and convince me to come back to the house?" He smiled at her then and said "I could...but I think we both know that is a fruitless endeavour, besides, it's almost 4am so if we do return, in addition to getting odd looks from the remaining guests, I won't get to spend time alone with you, shall I?" A giggle bubbled from her once more before he pulled back the covers and deposited her on the sprung mattress. Climbing in beside her he took her in his arms and cuddled close to her whispering "Goodnight...we shall speak more in the morning".

To be continued...

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