Encounters after midnight.

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 ** Disclaimer **- Be advised that this chapter contains some mature content.

 As she walked down the marble staircase she became aware of Mrs Carter standing to one side of Alexander. She realised that they were discussing Emma's journey as she descended closer to them "She is a little shaken by the rough journey, but you are safe now Emma" Alexander stated in a quite tone running his figures through her hair.

The gesture warmed Isabella's heart and she witnessed the tenderness in his eyes. "You most certainly are my dear" Mrs Carter replied giving the girl a warm smile. As Isabella reached the last couple of steps she noticed her "Ah Miss Bradford you are up! Sorry the commotion must have awoken you!". "It's quite all right" Isabella replied "It's with a happy sight that I was awoken" she smiled before drawing forward towards the child. "Hello Emma, I'm so glad to meet you, I am to be your governess" she imparted extending her hand to her; a truly happy smile brightening her features.

She had imagined this moment in so many scenarios but she could never have imagined how sweet the child would be. Emma's blond locks cascaded to her shoulders and she looked at her with bright green eyes that were full of innocence, making her seem almost angelic. There was a long pause, in which Emma stared at her while clinging to Alexander with an unmoving stance.

Slowly however, she extended her tiny hand in kind and took Isabella's, a smile gradually overtaking her features. Isabella liked that she was cautious in her trust of others, it showed she was smart and she would likely learn quickly.

Isabella then hunched down on her knees until they were at eye level saying "I can tell we will be the best of friends! What do you think?" Emma beamed at her "Yes I'd like that". The urge came over Isabella to hug her and as they embraced she looked up to see Alexander staring down at them a warm smile igniting his face. They disconnected and Mrs Carter quickly stepped forward "I better get you to bed little miss, its long past your bedtime" she clucked before taking Emma's hand and leading her up the staircase to the first floor.

Isabella watched them go and it was only then they had reached their floor that she hesitantly turned to look at Alexander. She did not know what to say and so "Your Grace I hope you are well?" erupted from her in a somewhat strained voice. A flicker of a smile crossed his face before he said "Quite well Miss Bradford, I hope your trip was a pleasant one?" "Ah yes reasonably so, we did hit a small bit of trouble along the way but nothing to worry about!"

His face then changed to a look of dismay "What kind of trouble?" he replied in a raised tone. "Ah just the wheel came of the carriage...but it was all sorted, your man Beasley was really very helpful" A look of annoyance was evident in his countenance before he said " My apologies, I know things have not gone well for you as late and this surely did not help" he said stepping towards her.

His closeness made her uneasy and she stuttered "Don't be silly! It was just an unfortunate event, I've become accustomed to them of late" a strained laugh escaping her to dispel some tension. She hadn't meant to say the latter part of the sentence but it had vented from her anyway. "Hmm" was all that he uttered in reply.

Just then her stomach growled and she chided it internally "not again!". She had eaten little for dinner, her worry for Emma's safety making her feel queasy. "It seems you are hungry and so am I for that matter, shall we seek out the kitchen and see what we can find" he said grinning at her. His ease made a somewhat embarrassing situation alright and that in turn made her grateful. She smiled and nodded before following him to the right down a long hallway illuminated by candlelight.

 They finally reached a heavy oak door and he pushed it open revealing a vast kitchen space. "After you" he said and she walked past him into the dim light of the room, brightened only by moonlight. Spotting a candle and some matches she quickly lit it and then walked to a candelabra mounted on the wall to light them in turn. Turning back she noticed he had some cheese in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other. "These will do" he smiled walking to the work table in the centre of the room and set them down.

Isabella pre-empted him and found a knife on one of the countertops, walking towards him she extended it to him. "Ah my lady... so you wish to harm me and in my own house?" he gasped imitating distress. "You haven't given me reason to ...yet" she laughed. He took the knife from her and carefully cut the bread and cheese, making two sandwiches before handing one to her. "Thank you chef!" she smiled before taking a bite.

 They both hurriedly ate, their hunger eradicating any need for further conversation. When they had finished Isabella could sense a tension begin to creep between them. She unconsciously shivered, whether from the cold floor beneath her feet or the nearness of him she couldn't pinpoint. He however noticed, even though she thought her movement was imperceptible. "You are cold!" he whispered before looking down to see her feet were bare.

Before she could fully register his movements he stepped toward her and placed his hands on each side of her narrow waist before lifting her from the ground onto the work table- as if she weighed no more than a feather. A gasp passed her lips and when her bottom met the wooden table his hands did not move from her waist.

 Her mouth hung open watching him as he moved closer toward her, not saying a word. It was as if they had entered some kind of time warp where time froze. His midriff pressed against her knees and he stared into her hazel eyes, a look of yearning suffusing the blue- grey of his. His hand then dropped to her right knee and he slowly pushed it aside stepping between her now parted legs. A deep exhalation of breath passed his lips before he lowered his face to hers.

Extending his long middle finger he carefully lifted her chin and met her lips with his own. Just like their time in the carriage she was completely under his will, enjoying the sensation of it. He nudged her lips apart with his tongue and invaded her mouth, groaning as he swirled his tongue against hers.

 Isabella felt reckless and all rational thoughts had completely evaporated from her mind as she clung to him, raising her left hand to run her fingers through his still tousled hair. He responded with another groan and moved even further toward her until his pelvis pushed against her own. She then became aware of a hardness pressing against her and she raised her hips instinctively, her nightgown moving up, until his distinct bulge rubbed against her most intimate area. She sighed in response, starting to feel a wetness form between her thighs.

He moved a hand to her right breast almost moulding its size in his large hand and her nipple peaked in response; becoming sensitive to his touch. Continuing to kiss her passionately he thrust his hips against her impulsively and groaned once more. The fabric of their cloths was the only barrier between them. She gasped at the feel of him and opened her dazed eyes.

 In an instant he removed himself from her, his hands shaking slightly "I apologise, I have went too far..." he whispered looking flustered. "Good night Miss Bradford" he spoke brokenly before staring longingly at her now reddened lips. With that he hurriedly departed the kitchen.

Isabella sat still in shock before she slowly removed herself from the table and made her way up the awfully long staircase to the second floor, finally coming to her room. Shutting the door behind her she thought "That should not have happened!" before flinging herself onto the bed. She felt drunk, even though she had not had anything to drink. "I must be losing my wits" she thought before whispering "This has to stop!" Crawling under the covers she pulled them up to her neck and touched her still sensitive swollen lips. Closing her eyes she prayed for sleep to come swiftly.

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