The Dance

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~ Hey everyone! I hope you all like this chapter. Please comment and let me know if ye like the story so far!~

Isabella's heart started to beat faster as she stared into Alexander's eyes. Feeling herself blushing, she broke eye contact and quickly took a sip of wine, with the hope that no one had noticed. "The meal was wonderful, you have done well organising such an event. Alex clearly places a lot of faith in you" the Baron then exclaimed.

 A laugh escaped her and she smiled "I don't know about that...I was happy to help however... and his grace has done a lot for me. I never envisioned a life as a governess, but I truly love it!" The baron smiled oddly saying "Hmm...yes" before he looked down the table and then returned his eyes to Isabella. "Well I'm sure Alex vastly appreciates all your help" he spoke accentuating the last word.

Dinner ended after four wonderful courses of food and an army of waiters marched in to take the multitude of plates away. "Shall we move to the ball room Miss Bradford? I could do with a walk after eating all that food!" the Baron spoke and an endearing laugh escaped him. Isabella accepted and he helped her from her seat, pulling back her chair as she stood. "Thank you" she smiled and they strolled the short distance to the skilfully decorated ballroom, with its painted ceiling and crystal chandeliers.

They were chatting about the recent rebellion in India* when a servant approached them, "Champagne?" he asked holding out a silver platter. "Yes thank you" the Baron replied taking two flute glasses and handing one to Isabella. "Are you trying to get me intoxicated?" she said taking the glass. "Never! My lady!" he stated mimicking shock. Isabella laughed and took a sip, delighting in the taste and feeling of the bubbly liquid as it touched her taste buds. After the contents of the glass were empty she began to feel considerably relaxed and giggled delightedly as the baron began to regale her with stories of how he and Alex had played together as children.

The musicians began to play and the pleasing sound wafted through the vast expanse of the ballroom to meet their ears. "I think I should get some air!" Isabella spoke starting to feel exceedingly light headed. "Let me escort you" the Baron responded grinning. They moved toward the patio and out into the crisp night air. Taking a deep inhalation of breath Isabella laughed "I should not have drank quite so much....But I do feel wonderfully relaxed" she admitted.

The baron laughed "Well after all the preparations you have done for tonight you deserve to unwind". He moved closer, his eyes alight, and Isabella began to feel uneasy sensing a change in his demeanour. "Well I am feeling a lot better, I think I will return inside" she stated hurriedly. She walked past his surprised form and on entering the ballroom once more her eyes scanned the scene to find that Alexander was dancing a *quadrille with Miss Spencer.

Her heart gave an unexpected thud and her feet became rooted to the spot as she watched them manoeuvre through the paces of the dance; Miss Spencer all the while giving her best come hither stare to Alexander. "There you are!" came the Barons voice from behind her. She turned giving him a smile that didn't meet her eyes and boldly asked "do you dance?" The baron blinked "Ah yes...would you like to dance my lady?" he smiled extending his arm. "Certainly" she smirked linking her arm with his before they moved toward the centre of the room.

"The next dance is the Waltz!" one of the musicians announced before lively music began. Placing her left hand on the Barons shoulder Isabella tentatively held his right hand in her own and moved with the steps of the dance. They progressed around the floor and she was starting to enjoy herself when the Baron moved closer and whispered "Might I say how delightful you look in that dress". Immediately a feeling of discomfort crept over her and she looked away from his stare, only to meet Alexander's.

He was still dancing with Miss Spencer and on meeting her eyes he continued to watch her, ignoring his dance partner, as they moved around the floor. Isabella attempted to look away but found she could not, and when the Baron moved closer she noted that Alexander's eyes averted to the musicians on the stage, before he gave one of them a wink. "Please change partners" the musician said clapping his hands. The men then moved to the right to change partners, all except the Baron who seemed to be unaware of the announcement.

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