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Alexander arose as the first sign of light began to peek into his room.  He felt uneasy and restless. The cause of these feelings was evident nonetheless- "Isabella" he whispered shaking his head. He had endured a night of disturbed sleep after their encounter. Throughout the night numerous scattered dreams had pervaded his thoughts which detailed what had happened and how events could have progressed. Hurriedly dressing himself, Alexander thought "why did I think it was a good idea to employ her as Emma's governess?"

Once again he rationalised that after he had found out her fate, something in him rebelled and he realised that he could not stand by and do nothing to help. Giving her employment was the only aid she would accept, he had instinctively known. His need to help her still perplexed him; he had always been termed a "rake" although he disliked the name. He did however; make sure he got what he wanted from women, often showing more interest in them than he felt. A powerful title can after all, sway even the most gentile of ladies to committing unladylike acts, in the hopes of sharing that title; he mused.

Curiously he had stalled from taking what he wanted from her last night he acknowledged. "I'm technically a parent now" he gulped "and she's my employee, all that's to be done is to keep things professional from now on, it's not like I can dismiss her after a day" he contemplated.

Cursing inwardly Alexander hurried down the stairs and out into the frosty crisp air. He couldn't deny that her nearness excited him and it was likely an impulse rather than logical thinking that had resulted in her living under his roof. He groaned at the realisation and quickly decided that he was going to spend the day elsewhere "I need some distance". Calling to a nearby stable boy he called for a carriage to be readied and anxiously paced back and forth until it drew up to the front door. "Take me into Kent town" he called and they were off.

Isabella squinted her eyes as the curtains were drawn open "Its 10am miss, would you like to break your fast or rest a little longer" a young girl asked. She blearily looked at her and took in her features. She looked no more than 18 years of age and her dark hair was tightly wound up onto her head, making her face look serious. However, when she spoke a gentle voice emerged "My name is Lilly Miss, I'm to be your maid while you are with us" she smiled bobbing her head. "A pleasure to meet you Lilly" she replied offering a kind smile. "I will get up now and have breakfast, I better not sleep the day away!" she spoke before a yawn muffled her final words.

Reluctantly Isabella emerged from her warm bed and dressed, while inwardly hoping that a minimum amount of awkwardness would transpire between Alexander and herself, after the night's events. On entering the breakfast room she was informed that she would be the only one taking breakfast "His grace has gone out for the day and Miss Emma is still sleeping, her late arrival last night has taken its toll" a staff member disclosed. "Ah I see" Isabella replied "Can I enquire what your name is?" she asked.

"Ah my apologies Miss, I am the butler here, please call me Alfred!" His informality was confusing and it obviously showed on her face. "Don't be perplexed my dear, I have been the butler here since before his grace was born, everyone calls me by my first name, formality does not agree with me!" he laughed. Isabella beamed in response "Well Alfred, I can tell we shall be good friends" she said sincerely. His genuine nature pleased her after all the forced civility in London and she embraced it wholeheartedly.

 She devoured her breakfast while revelling in her luxurious surrounding's. Printed wallpaper detailing trees and leaves decorated the walls and huge bay windows allowed light to flow into the room. She felt at ease and delighted in the magnificent gardens beyond. Vast amounts of exotic flower seemed to stretch on for as far as the eye could see. She could only imagine how many gardeners it took to upkeep the extravagance.

She sighed starting to feel restless and a thought entered her mind to go horseback riding. The idea was not just a means to view his graces lands more thoroughly, but also to see how many residences where on his lands so that she could ascertain where she may be going to live. It was something that had played on her mind particularly after their encounter last night. "That just proved what I instinctually knew, I need distance from him!" she cringed thinking how she had moulded her body to his and yearned for his touch. Pushing the thoughts away she quickly stood causing the chair to screech across the wooden oak floor.

Decisively she made her way to the front door and walked aimlessly until she saw a boy walking towards her "Hello there!" she called "Can you tell me where the stables are?" "Ah that way miss, behind that there building!" he responded pointing behind him to a large grey façade. Isabella nodded and continued on until she eventually arrived at the stables.

To her surprise, there seemed to be no one around, likely because Alexander was gone for the day she thought. After she entered she saw that the stables where vast with over twenty horses in individual stalls. She walked past many horses, stroking the noses of some of the beautiful creatures, until she came to one stall and her eyes widened.

Behind the door stood a gorgeous black Arabian stallion whose coat shone in the dim light. She extended her hand and the horse looked at her oddly. He seemed to be assessing her. Reluctantly he stepped forward and nosed against her hand neighing softly. "Well aren't you a handsome boy" she cooed moving her hand to stroke his silky neck. "I think you and I should go adventuring" she smiled before seeing the name "Midnight" engraved on the door of his stall. "Shall we go Midnight?" she nodded and he neighed in response. "I think that sounds like a yes!" she giggled before unbolting the door and finding his saddle and bridle.

Isabella has always loved horses. When they had lived in Hertfordshire she had a horse called "Blaze" that she rode every day. She was brave and kind and Isabella loved her dearly. Unfortunately when they moved to London her father had sold her saying "We won't have room to keep her my dear" Isabella had cried for a week, missing the freedom of riding out every day with Blaze. She had been her friend, not just a pet. Perhaps it was her memory that drew her to Midnight, she couldn't tell.

Isabella decisively put her foot on the stirrup and swung her leg over Midnights wide frame. He was a lot bigger than Blaze and his height scared her somewhat. "Let's take things easy" she whispered tapping her foot against him so that he would start into a trot. Instead Midnight powered forward into a gallop and Isabella clung on for dear life. They passed through fields and into a forest before Isabella got the nerve to sit up and pull the reins "Whoa boy" she said in a shuddered voice.

He came to a stop and she found she was trembling "Ok we need to take things a little easier!" she laughed breathlessly. With just a slight squeeze of her thigh against his side he began to walk forward and when she whispered "a little faster" he sped into a trot. "Ah we are beginning to get used to each other!" Isabella smiled. They made their way through the forest and out into vast lands and she quickly came to the realisation that Alexander was colossally wealthy.

Cottages littered much of the land and they finally came to a small village of sorts with around twenty houses on each side of a central square of land. A stone well was the most prominent feature of the village and children ran through the square playing and laughing in the chilly air. Isabella then realised she had travelled very far and so she turned Midnight around and decided to make her way home. "Ah home" she mused "How odd that his house is my home for now!" They travelled for some time and she could see the forest they had passed through ahead when a lone rider came into view. They seemed to be travelling at some speed and Isabella became slightly anxious.

 Bringing Midnight to a halt she whispered "Maybe its best we wait until they pass". To her shock Alexander came into view. He quickly halted before them with a look of astonishment on his face. "Miss Bradford! So it's you that is the culprit of my horse's disappearance" he mouthed, his eyes widening. "And you!" he nodded to Midnight "How easily your alliances have changed! You must forgive my shock Miss Bradford but you are the only one that has been able to ride Midnight; apart from me that is... He doesn't like most people!" he announced, raising a quizzical eyebrow at her. 

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