The Dawn

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The morning sun was beginning to steal in through frosted ice windows, when Isabella slowly opened her eyes groggily. She became aware of feeling exceedingly warm and cosy before she realised the source of that warmth. Turning she noted that Alexander was curled up beside her. She then became aware of a heavy object pressing down on her and looked down to see his arm encircled around her waist above the bedcovers. She slowly tried to disengage herself from his embrace and a feeling of embarrassment flooded over her before she tried in haste to piece the events of the night before together.

Eventually sighing in relief she whispered "nothing happened" and jumped when Alexander tightened his hold around her before he growled "Really Bella? I would not say nothing happened..." Moving her eyes to meet his she saw a mischievous glint in his and could not help but giggle in response. "Well you know what I mean..." she whispered, feeling a blush creep over her features. "I did tell you I would not ravish you, and I am a man of my word...regretfully!" he spoke emphasising the last word in a sarcastic tone.

Groaning he stretched his arms above his head and sighed "Another regret I already have is that we had better return to the house. The guests will be awakening soon and gossip could begin to fester if I am still absent". Isabella watched as he gave a yawn and nodded in response "Yes you are right...perhaps you might want to venture on yourself. I can follow later, once the overnight guests have departed" Isabella spoke, a twinge of nervousness entering her tone. Hearing it Alexander reached over and took her hand in his "You have nothing to fear. Miss Spencer was not given lodgings here. I made sure that Mrs Carter knew that she was an uninvited guest. A carriage would have taken her home last night" Isabella stared at him then "I see" she spoke softly before continuing hesitantly "So you had not wanted her to attend the ball then?"

Alexander witnessed the cautious look in her eyes that accompanied her question and sighed "No sweet Bella...I did not want her here. As if I could have eyes for any other woman when you were present". Feeling the urge to be open with her he continued "I did encounter Miss Spencer at a London party again recently, but nothing of note transpired. I found that the more brandy I drank, the more I had the urge to see certain hazel eyes and copper brown hair"

Isabella's heart gave a sudden thud and she averted her eyes from his, in attempt to quench in the mounting feelings building inside herself. "So that was why he had been distant with her after he returned from his last trip to London" she thought. Her heart soared in hope at his words but her head knew that they were just that- words. Their lives were set on different paths, and his seemed to be headed towards a marriage with Miss Worthington. Sighing she slowly affixed her eyes to his once more and whispered "I do not think your aunt would be quite so happy to hear those words escape your lips" before pausing and adding "Even if they fill me with elation". A wave of shyness overcame her then, - "had she actually said that out loud?" she grimaced.

Disentangling herself from the bedsheets she arose from the bed and her feet met the icy cold floorboards beneath. It was then that she realised she had slept in her ball gown from the night before. She stared down at the crumpled fabric and prayed that he would say something in response to break the now awkward silence.

Alexander was unaware of her unease however. Instead he was mulling over her words with a mix of hope and trepidation. She had all but admitted that she reciprocated his feelings and he was overcome by the delight that gave him. However, his aunt's plan for his marriage was like a dark shadow bearing over him. It was the only thing that was stopping him from taking her in his arms and asking her to be forever his. The last thing he wanted was an arranged marriage now that Isabella had entered his life and turned it upside down. But his duty abounded him.

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