Altered paths.

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Odd that Mr Stewart should write her a letter, Isabella thought, before she broke the wax seal and unfolded the paper. Without waiting, her father winked at her again before he sauntered off in the direction of the drawing room once more. Averting her eyes to the piece of parchment she read:


I would like to speak with you if that is agreeable? Please do me the honour of accepting.

I will send a carriage to collect you at your aunt's residence at 4pm.



She stared blankly at the parchment for a long time after she read the words there. Her father's words ghosted back to her then "my liberator" so it was Alexander who orchestrated his release she realised in astonishment. But what was he doing here in Bath? Perhaps he had chaperoned her father here himself after his release. Why though? When he could have travelled alone? she pondered "Perhaps he has come solely to see me" she spoke in a whispered tone to herself and her heart soared involuntarily. Staring at the grandfather clock in the entrance hall she realised that it was now half past three. The carriage will be here soon she thought then. However, she did not feel prepared in the slightest to see him again. She had written a letter to him before she left, believing it was the last time she would have any correspondence with him, for their lives where what she had said – 'set on different paths'. His liberation of her father and his arrival in Bath to see her, were two things that she had not foreseen in the slightest. However, his summons now filled her with a mixture of intrigue and excitement. Thus, she waited nervously until a carriage pulled up outside and before the servant even had a chance to knock on the front door she flung it open and followed him toward the awaiting carriage. As she entered the exquisite expanse she noticed that Alexander was not present and she instantly wondered where he could be.

A short journey later the carriage halted before the door was opened and Isabella exited to see vast gardens of extravagant grandeur before her. "His grace waits for you by the lake" the servant spoke before he gestured in the direction of a thicket of trees which parted to reveal a wide expanse of water. She stood in wonder before asking "Where exactly am I?". The servant smiled at her then and spoke "Ah I do apologise Miss, I forgot you are not acquainted with Bath. This is *Royal Victoria Park" he finished before bowing. Thanking him she proceeded toward the lake, a sense of nervousness overcoming her with every step. Gazing at the twinkling water under sunlight, she noticed a lone figure with his back to her and her heart instantly sped up. Before she even reached him he turned and their eyes met in a moment of uncertainness. He slowly moved toward her then, until he stood but a foot from her and spoke "I'm glad you came". Isabella nodded in thought before her inquisitiveness overcame her and she asked "It was you! But why? Why help my family in this way?"

He grinned oddly at her questioning then, seeming surprised by her first words and replied "I told you once that I like to help those in need...well I would like to amend that statement. It seems that I am compelled to help you alone whenever needed, for you bewitch me like no one ever has. I have been looking into your father's situation for some time for I could not see you suffer due to your father's imprisonment. I confess I did not move as quickly on the matter at first, for I knew his release would most certainly signal you're leaving Rothbury. It was selfish on my part I concede"

He moved away from her slightly then and stared at the water beyond "I have arranged for your parents to move to one of my country houses in Dorset. The house sits on a number of acres of farming land. Thus, I have already arranged with your father that any money the land makes through farmers rent and the sale of stock, he shall use for his debt repayment. His removal from London should also hopefully inhibit any recurrences of his gambling in the future"

She stared in awe while her mind tried to comprehend the vastness of his actions. Actions that pulled her family from the depths of ruin and despair. The moments stretched and she finally mouthed "I am most grateful to you on behalf of my family and myself. You have done too much for us... I don't know how we can replay you" she gulped, still trying to register the gargantuan level of kindness he had just shown. He turned then and briefly glanced at her before his eyes became hooded "There is no need to thank me on behalf of your family. I thought only of you. You alone filled my thoughts and spurred my actions" Isabella's heart skipped a beat then and she blushed. Recovering, her thoughts moved to the court case again and she asked "I assume this generous deed was what swayed the case in favour of my father?" Nodding he moved toward her once more until they stood but a couple of foot apart "You are right. Some lords objected to his early release, but I knew that once your father had a reputable standing in society as the owner of property and land, their likely rebuttals of his precarious standing would not hold and the judge could not refuse his plea as readily" Isabella stared at him in astonishment then, while her mind contemplated all he had divulged "It seems I shall be living in yet another county in the space of a month" she laughed in disbelief.

Closing the distance between them, he captured her attention with his unswerving gaze "Hmm well the thing is, I'd rather hoped you would come and live with Emma and I, as It were" She registered his words in bewilderment before she voiced "Beg Pardon? Ah of course you want me to continue my employment in your home. Of course you expect repayment for your kindness! I understand". Sighing Alexander shook his head "No you misunderstand. You see it seems I am now without a fiancé...and well..." He dropped to his knee then before removing a small box from his pocket and proceeded to open it to reveal a ring laden with diamonds with a stunning sapphire resting among them. "Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" he uttered while watching her in anticipation.

Isabella stared in incredulity while she battled a feeling of encroaching elation. " cannot mean it" she whispered. He smiled at her before rising from his knee to stand before her and took her hands in his "You have become as vital to me as the air I breath Bella. These past days have been a torment without you near me. Please put me out of my misery and consent to be my wife, lest I go mad." He moved his right hand to her face and stoked the skin under his thumb before he fixed her with his piercing blue grey eyes and uttered "I love you". In that moment, to her it seemed the rest of the world had faded away. Isabella's eyes began to brim with tears as she stared into his and whispered "And I you...I have loved you in silence. I did not know how to tell you... We have such different lives I never thought this could happen" A tear trickled down her cheek then and Alexander wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. There would be time for talking, but for now all he wanted was to hear the only words that he needed at this minute "You have not answered my question Bella" he urged with a twinkle in his eye. She giggled breathlessly then "It seems I almost forgot after your profession of love" He chuckled at her words "So my proposal is forgetful..." he chortled shaking his head. She laughed outright "I will remember it until the day I die...And yes I will marry you". Isabella had barely uttered the words when he hoisted her into his arms and twirled her about. Depositing her back on ground he captured her lips in a searing kiss. Moving her lips over his she knew in that moment- this is was what true contentment is.

* Royal Victoria Park is located in Bath, England. It was opened in 1830 by the 11-year-old Princess Victoria. The Royal Victoria Park Committee wanted the park to become the major arboretum of the west of England, and thus a wide variety of unusual trees and shrubs were planted. In 1839 the Royal Victoria Horticultural and Botanical Garden was formed in the park.

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