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Isabella stayed seated in Alexander's study, feeling both surprised and perplexed as to his abrupt reaction. She could hear the distinct noise of numerous footfalls from the hallway beyond and could only assume that the servants were feeling even more bewildered than she was at present. The sound of Mrs Carter's voice barking out directions echoed beyond and Isabella could hear fear creeping into her tone. She had felt that it was not her place to intervene in such matters, however on hearing Mrs Carter's panicked voice she immediately stood and found herself involuntarily leaving the study and moving toward the matter in question.

Anger was still etched on Alexander's features as he paced back and forth in front of the assembled servants, while Mrs Carter seemed to be taking a headcount. On seeing her approach Alexander instantly tried to compose himself and came to a standstill before turning his stare upon the servants. "It looks like you are all here?" he questioned in a cold tone and looked to Mrs Carter who nodded, with her eyes downcast. "Good" he barked before continuing his relentless pacing once more. Isabella watched as panicked stares passed between some of the staff, and she couldn't help but feel responsible for disrupting their day.

Abruptly coming to a standstill, Alexander announced "You are all likely wondering why you have been summoned here? Well let me provide enlightenment". Isabella's eyes went wide as he proceeded to take the now crumpled note from his pocket and waved it in front of them. "This unassuming piece of parchment was left under Miss Bradford's door last night, and contains a rather nasty message" he paused before continuing to pace. "I shall not regale you all with the details, however I will say this- When you became servants of this house there were stipulations attached, one of which was to never cause harm or be accomplice to wrongdoings under this roof. Thus, if any of you have left this note at her door, or know who did, I demand that you step forward now" he spoke in a deathly tone.

As soon as the words left his lips the servant's glanced at each other anxiously and Isabella watched as many whispered to each other in alarmed tones. When no one stepped forward Alexander sighed before visibly composing himself "I can understand your reluctance to come forward at present, so..." he paused before stepping forward and eyeing them irritably. "I shall give until days end for anyone who knows of this matter to come to my study in private. Be assured however, that I am certain some of you have information on this, so if none is forthcoming...well...probationary measures shall likely be necessary" he said without feeling. Nodding toward Mrs Carter he gruffly stated "See that work is resumed. You are all dismissed". Without ceremony he briskly walked from the scene in the direction of his study.

Isabella was still mulling over the proceedings in her head when she noticed his departure, and she was just about to take a step forward when she thought better of it. Mrs Carter it seemed, had had the same train of thought, for she moved toward Isabella and spoke "I think it is best to leave him alone at present my dear...In all my years here I have never seen him react with such apparent restrained anger". All Isabella could do was nod in response. Excusing herself she moved toward the stairs intending to rest a while until the proverbial storm had passed.

On reaching her room she sighed and limply seated herself on the window chaise. She could not help but feel guilt over the commotion that was being caused over the note, although logically she knew it was of another's doing. She had wanted to broach the subject of Miss Spencer being the likely perpetrator with Alexander, but on seeing his anger she now decided it was best to see if the servant's would provide evidence as to her presumed deductions.

Twilight came before long and Isabella decided she had best show her face for dinner. She slowly dressed without calling Lilly for assistance and moved down the long corridors to the grand staircase. As she moved down the marble steps, the sound of a woman crying reached her ears. Isabella sped up her pace and had just reached the last step when a servant rounded the corner from the hallway on the left; the same corridor that led to Alexander's study she thought. On seeing Isabella's quizzical expression the servant quickly ducked her head rubbing her tear stained eyes and sped toward the opposite passage. With that, and without fully registering the occurrence, Isabella found herself moving instinctively toward a certain gentleman's private study.

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