Sonnets and heartstrings.

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Alexander awoke with a start before a pang of pain radiated between his temples. Groaning he moved his hand to his forehead and cursed the copious amounts of brandy he had consumed the day and night before. After the events that had transpired in his study between himself and Isabella he had tried in vain to settle his errant mind and body by going for a long gallop atop Midnight. However on his return to the house, his vexatious thoughts did not cease, thus he continued to consume more and more of the devilish amber liquid until his mind became fussy and eventually he staggered drunkenly to his bedroom.

Rising slowly from his bed, he realised that it was almost 2pm. "Damn" he cursed aloud on fathoming the rare occurrence that he had slept half of the day away. He detested tardiness and it was looking like his business for the day would have to wait until tomorrow. He pulled the bell for his manservant then and he appeared within minutes. Taking in Alexander's unusual dishevelled state he muttered "Good afternoon your grace" and proceeded to place a tray holding an odd coloured drink on his bedside table with a knowing grin. "Mrs Carter made this up for you this morning your grace" he mumbled before adding "She also requested that I ask you- should she order another case of brandy, seeing as you seem to have a fondness for it of late?" Alexander instantly realised the hidden meaning in her question, she was highlighting in her motherly way that she was unhappy with his current habits. Grinning he replied "No that is not necessary" before he pinched his nose with one hand and quickly drank back the contents of the glass. Coughing slightly he grimaced before saying "Thank heavens for Mrs Carter's hangover cure, that's all I can say! Although I never want to know its contents" Leaving the glass back on the table he rose and dressed quickly before seeking out the only other cure he knew- a swim in the lake!

The cool water revived him somewhat as he swam until his arms became tired. Moving back onto the grassy embankment he towelled himself dry and revelled in the warmth of the sunshine as it hit his bare skin. Once again his thoughts returned to Isabella and he groaned at the predicament he was now in. After what had happened yesterday, how could he ever be content with the mere flirtatious happenstances they had had in the past? He wanted her more than any other woman he had ever encountered. But it was more than just want, he thought then, he needed her in his life and for her to be with him always. The prospect of a cold marriage with Lady Worthington was more than he could bear; he had to have Isabella by his side, he thought in trepidation. But could he really go against his late parents' wishes and dishonour his promise to the Worthington's? He had briefly toyed with the notion of asking Isabella to become his mistress, but realised he could never ask that of her. She was too principled and concerned by others opinions to ever consider such a life and he loved her too much to ask it of her. Sighing he dressed himself and went in search of Midnight who he found grazing on a patch of grass nearby. A gentle breeze bustled through an adjacent oak tree before he placed his foot in the stirrup and mounted atop his faithful steed to begin the short ride back to Rothbury house.

Entering the foyer he quickly checked his pocket watch and noted that the time was 4pm. She will likely be finished with Emma's lessons for the day he thought. With that he went in search of her. He had no idea what to say to Isabella but he felt he must see her, even it was just to assuage any anxiety she had following yesterday's events. She had avoided yesterday's dinner and he had to admit he was somewhat relived as to that decision, as he was in no state to dine with her after their encounter either. The embarrassed look she had given him before she left his study yesterday still haunted him! She was a maid of course, and such experiences had been completely new to her, however he feared that she was perhaps annoyed with him after he had taken liberties by awakening her in that intimate way. He had to confess however, that given the chance again he would have acted in the same way, she affected him too much.

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