Hidden Alcoves

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Isabella quickly moved down the hallway without thought, turning a corner she collided with a rather broad chest and looked up to see none other than Alexander. His hands automatically reached for her forearms to steady her before he bestowed one of his rather dashing lopsided grins. Continuing to hold her he spoke "Looking for me?". A deep blush instantly overcame Isabella's face and she berated herself internally for her body's unruly reactions to this man. Removing her arms from his grasp she looked into his blue grey eyes and nought but a murmur passed her lips "Yes actually, I was coming to ask if you had had any news from the servants?". An unreadable look flickered in his eyes before his expression changed to one of cool nonchalance and he spoke "No, nothing of note just yet". Isabella eyed him suspiciously then, wondering if he was lying to her. It was clear that the servant she had just seen had been in obvious distress, a distress that might have been caused by confessing to a certain event, she mused. However as she eyed Alexander askance, his expression did not change, instead he took her arm in his and turned her to walk in his direction "I don't know about you, but all this dreadful business has left me famished, shall we dine together?" he asked without deigning to look at her.

Isabella could not help the annoyance that overcame her. She struggled to tramp down the urge she had to stop in her tracks and ask if he was being truthful with her. However, she knew that it was not her place to interject. As master of the house it was his affair to deal with, and at present he did not seem keen to involve her. Hoping his obvious silence on the matter was just due to a sense of male pride and nothing more she finally nodded "Yes I was just on my way to dinner myself". As soon as the words left her lips a grin overtook his features before he smiled "And you decided to seek me out first?". That dastardly blush invaded again, much to her chagrin, and she uttered "I decided to take a stroll... to stretch my legs after being immobile all day, and It just occurred to me that you might have some news".

Despite herself a smile escaped her, at her evident lie, and he whispered "Ah I see, so just the unruly urge to be in my company did not play a part in your decision to meander to this side of the house". She grinned at his baiting remark "Not one iota Sir". He squeezed her hand slightly before putting his other to his chest in mock hurt "You wound me, my lady". Rolling her eyes she smiled despite herself "I'm sure you will survive". When he did not utter a reply she spoke again "Besides I did not think anyone's company would be welcome to you this evening, you seemed rather agitated earlier". The smile he was still wearing slipped from his features at her words, and silence proceeded to stretch between them. Isabella cursed internally at her remark and bit her lip to stop herself from speaking again. Eventually he sighed in response "Hmm, yes I was. I try to maintain composure in all things, but it seems today's events got the better of me. Having respect from my staff is something that is imperative to the continued running of this estate. Therefore any wrongdoings must be dealt with decisively and unfortunately at times with swift dismissal".

Isabella's mind worked as she assimilated his response. 'Did his words mean that he had dismissed that servant' she wondered. The atmosphere had changed to one of cool consideration, so an attempt to lighten it Isabella smiled "Let that be a reminder to me to never get on your bad side. Otherwise I might end up looking for another governess position". His expression changed to one of ease and he chuckled lowly. Unexpectedly Isabella felt his hand move to the small of her back then. She moved to look at his face with questioning eyes and he calmly directed her toward a small concealed alcove along the passageway, using his cleverly placed hand to guide her. 

Before Isabella could utter a word his hands came to rest on her hips and he moved her slowly into the dim lighting of the confined hidden space before he smiled wickedly and whispered "I've wanted to do this all day". No sooner had the words left his lips when he dipped his head and slowly took her mouth in a devouringly slow kiss. Isabella gasped at the sudden pleasurable contact and his tongue moved into her open mouth to deepen the kiss. Of it's own accord her hand moved to cling onto his shoulder and she moved to stand on tip toes. The closer contact made him groan in response, and he moved even nearer until their bodies were pressed against each other. Isabella was lost in the rush of kissing him once more and she did not even care that their rendezvous would look scandalous to any passersby that might uncover them. Thus when Alexander ended the kiss and slowly pulled away she sighed at the loss of contact. On hearing it, he beamed at her and spoke "I should pull you into alcoves more often, unfortunately I think I heard footsteps... come..." he whispered extending his hand to take hers before moving it to the crook of his arm once more. 

They had taken a few steps when he smiled at her again "perhaps we should slow down our pace before we reach the dining room, you look like you have been thoroughly kissed". She swatted his arm in response and moved her hand to her reddened lips. A childish feeling overtook her and she replied to his earlier remark " I believe you would grow tired of such rendezvous' sir, and then I would likely be as amenable to your dismissal as your other staff". He almost came to a standstill at her words and his expression grew serious. Isabella moved her eyes to look straight ahead and waited for his reply, however a feeling of unease overtook her. Suddenly a bark of unexpected laughter erupted from him and she moved her eyes to observe him staring at her "You have a sharp wit Bella". He chuckled once more and Isabella remained silent not knowing what to say.

They then reached the dining room and the servants proceeded to seat them for dinner, although their unease on seeing their too recently riled up master was apparent to Isabella. Alexander remained unperturbed however, and he chatted idly about the previous night's ball as he tucked into his main course of braised Hereford beef and asparagus. As Isabella slowly picked at her food, her mind continued to wander from their kiss to the earlier distressed servant. It seemed Alexander's mood had turned pensive also, silence fell too often and she could tell that he was struggling to find things to say to her in between his preoccupied pondering. After one such long silence, he suddenly stood causing Isabella to startle and announced "Excuse me Miss Bradford, I just realised I have some correspondence to pen before nightfall. Good night". Bowing to her, he quickly exited the room, leaving her perplexed as to his departure. She picked some more at her half eaten food before deciding to retire to her room. The only thoughts that circulated in her head before her weary body met the mattress were "What has caused his brooding? It must be something to do with that servant!". Realising that she would have to wait until the morrow to get answers she let sleep overtake her, only to find a certain man invaded her dreams also.

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