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"Unfortunately, this meeting is about my aunt..."

Isabella had no idea what response to give on hearing those words. Her mind worked and she supposed: In all likelihood his aunt had to depart quickly due to an urgent matter, likely pertaining to her household. However this thought was stopped in its tracks when she realised that it hardly warranted a private meeting with Alexander, he could have explained such over dinner. With that a more worrying notion came to mind: mayhap it is to do with an emergency in the family, such a thing would evidently affect Alex too! Batting her errant thoughts away she took a sip of brandy from her glass and waited for his response. However, Alexander too seemed to be struggling with how to continue. Finally meeting her expectant gaze he uttered "You are owed an apology my dear, and as I fear it will not be given by the person who owes it..." he hesitated. All Isabella could do was sit there and watch as a look of anger crossed his features swiftly before he hid it with a smile. "Pray continue" she all but whispered. Finally steeling his nerve he fixed her with an unswerving stare and spoke "It was my own aunt who arranged for the note to be left under your door on the night of the ball".

A gasp burst from her lips at his unexpected words and her hand moved instantly to cover her mouth. Her mind had gone blank and she gawked at Alexander in disbelief. Evident concern crossed his features and he reached for the brandy decanter before refilling her glass and smiling weakly "I did say a drink would be needed!" Filling his own glass once more he knocked back the entire glass in one gulp before he continued "I must apologise sincerely for my aunt's actions Isabella and for that of my staff. You see your maid Lily was also involved in the scheme. It seems my aunt bribed her on the night of the ball, she gave her instructions to write and leave a note at your door. Evidently she believed she had picked her co-conspirator well as she knew that Lily would not only know your room's whereabouts but she would also frequent it often". He eyed her then, taking in the shock that permeated her being and whispered "You can be assured that no such incidents shall ever happen again" a tone of conviction suffusing his words. Isabella had pulled herself from her initial shock during his explanation, however a dozen questions now littered her mind. Moving her now trembling hand away from her mouth she stammered "I hardly know what to say..." Alexander nodded, his right hand moving to fiddle with the signet ring on his left hand with unease.

Remembering the crying girl that departed Alexanders study a couple of days prior, Isabella finally collecting her wits and asked "And how was Lily's involvement discovered?" Tension hung in the air and Alexander sighed before replying "One of the housemaids was preparing a room for a guest who was too inebriated to ride home after the ball. However on leaving the room she spied Lily sliding the note under your door. While the maids are often notoriously loyal to each other, after my speech to the staff it seems her conscience got the better of her and she came to speak with me. However one observation alone was not enough to lay the blame with Lily. Thus I asked the maid to search Lily's belongings once she had left to tend to you. You can imagine she was quite upset at being charged with such a task. However she fulfilled her duty and came to me the next day with a note from my aunt that contained instructions for Lily, which had been hidden among her possessions. I then had the delightful task of confronting my aunt, whom as you may have guessed was none too pleased at being summoned and reprimanded" A slight smile pulled at his lips after he spoke those final words. Filling his glass once more he lightly sipped the tawny coloured liquid this time and said "Lily has been dismissed so you need not worry about any further trouble from her, I have already asked Mrs Carter to find her replacement". He looked at Isabella then in an attempt to gauge her response.

While Isabella had sat listening to his reply a stark realisation had soon engulfed her and she sighed in regret before expressing "It seems I have caused quite a bit of trouble for you your grace. I am all too aware that your aunt does not look fondly upon me and I do not wish to cause further turmoil in your home and between yourself and any of your family. Perhaps it would be best if I leave. I shall make new arrangements and be gone by months end" Refusing to meet his eyes she rose to her feet and moved towards the door, her legs somehow managing to carry her numb body. Her hand moved to turn the brass handle when a shuffle could be heard behind her. Ignoring the sound, she opened the door quickly only to have it slam shut again. Her eyes moved up the wooden frame to see Alexander's strong masculine hand there just before she was turned around unceremoniously and pinned to the door, his hands coming to rest on either side of her head. She peered into Alexander's piercing blue eyes as he tilted his head to stare down at her. "Oh no you don't" he all but growled then, the distinct smell of brandy filling her nostrils.


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