A Walk to Remember.

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Autumn leaves rustled in the trees as a light breeze swept past. Occasionally they would fall to the ground beneath Isabella and Alexander's feet creating a crunching sound as they meandered through London's most famous gardens. They walked side by side content in their surroundings and the quite reverie that autumn brings. It being the season of change, a time of transition from summer into winter, Isabella could not help but think of how much her life had also changed.

Her mind wandered to her father once more and she sighed. "Is everything ok my lady" Alexander enquired beside her. "Ah yes..I'm just admiring the gardens, they are beautiful" she replied, the truth hidden once more. She could not tell him of her father's misfortune, he had already helped once before and she could not burden him with her family woes or be indebted to him again. The fact that she hardly knew him was reason enough.

Just then he reached forward, taking a leaf from her hair and smiling. Isabella laughed, her mood improving, and on impulse she picked up a handful of leaves before turning to throw them at Alexander's shocked countenance.  His face turned from a look of annoyance to one of mischief, before he too bent to retrieve a larger fistful of leaves. Isabella however had pre-empted his move and so she lifted her skirts and ran down the path, giggling like a schoolgirl and feeling wonderfully free.

She glanced over her shoulder seeing Alexander getting closer and she squealed in fright- an undignified sound for a lady. Finally catching up with her Alexander caught her around her waist, his large hands spanning its width and turned her to him with a beaming smile lighting his face. Isabella looked up at him panting, trying to catch her breath. That wolfish grin she had grown accustomed to returned and he rose his hand above her head before letting the leaves fall onto her. Isabella laughed, shaking her head so as they fell to the ground.

Alexander was in awe, she was the most singular woman he had encountered, from her wit and charm to her easy laughter and beauty. He wanted nothing else but to be in her presence forever. But he knew that could not be, he knew he could never fall in love and his marriage path was already set for him, it had been planned since birth and although he had resisted thus far, he knew it was only a matter of time. His thoughts were broken by a gentleman's voice "Your grace, a pleasure to see you" said an elderly well dressed lord.

Isabella looked on as the two spoke, standing to the side so as not to interrupt them.  Alexander then turned to her saying "Miss Bradford may I present Lord Grayson, my Lord this is Lord Bradford's daughter". "Ah I see, a pleasure to meet you, my lady" he replied. But Isabella could see his face change from one of agreeableness to unease at the mention of her father.  She then knew that the news of her father was becoming public knowledge, "It will not be long now until he knows aswel"she thought looking at Alexander as he continued to converse with Lord Grayson.

Their conversation ended and they meandered further down the path they were on, Alexander stopping along the way to speak with various Lord and Ladies, many of whom Isabella had never had the pleasure of meeting as they were well above her station. She noticed the looks she got from some of the noblewomen in particular, it was a look between confusion and jealousy that such an unimportant lady should be in the presence of the Duke of Rothbury.

The pairing was unusual she had to admit, he could be taking a stroll with any number of high society ladies and yet here he was with her. The thought caused her to feel uneasy and her heart started to beat faster all at once. After another odd look from a Lady of the ton, Isabella asked if they could leave and have tea. Alexander heartily agreed saying "Yes, and I apologise for the interruptions, being a peer of the realm has its downsides, one of which is speaking with odious gentry" he grimaced causing Isabella to giggle. 

They walked to "Tobias Tea Emporium" and Alexander had an incredible urge to reach out and take her hand in his, an urge he resisted instead linking her arm in the crook of his elbow as they crossed a busy London street.

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