The Inevitable.

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The many nights of restless sleep she had endured thinking of her father and Alexander's formal parting words meant that when Monday afternoon came, Isabella was still lying in her bed . The blanket  covers were pulled over her, so as to block out the world. The previous days since she had met Alexander had passed in a kind of delirious haze for Isabella. Her mother had started packing her bags to move to Bath and they had argued often over Isabella's refusal to join her. "You cannot stay here, and this idea of getting a job as a teacher is a fool's errand, you have no experience for a start and you're a lady! Not a common schoolmistress" her mother scolded.

Isabella had remarked for about the tenth time that she had made up her mind and it was what she needed to do " I will not wile away my life in Bath and be a financial burden to my aunt mama, I must find my own way and hopefully make some money to help you and father" she bluntly stated. "But you may find a husband in Bath, you're aunt may have some connections you know!" Isabella knew that this was a desperate attempt to get her to leave with her. No gentleman would want a wife without a dowry and an imprisoned father, that news alone would cause gossip wherever she went in polite society.

She did not have the heart to say this to her mother however. Her mother was a kind soul and while she loved her dearly, she knew she was not seeing the bigger picture. Moving to Bath might be a safe option but it wasn't practical, not for Isabella at least. She knew she must at least try to find employment and if she failed there would always be a place for her in Bath if she needed it. But that day would not come she hoped.

The thought had crossed her mind to go to the courthouse to watch her father's case but her mother had advised her against it, women were not looked upon favourably at court particularly ladies of the ton. Instead she had resigned herself to being productive and decided to enquire at "Baxter's" newspaper printing house about placeing an ad for work. Thus, with a heavy heart she rose from her bed and found the nicest day dress she had. It was pale blue muslin, fringed with white beading; a white lace band encircling her waist and unintentionally accentuating her curves.

She was struggling to lace her corset when Amelia walked in with a smile that instantly brightened her mood "Trying to dress yourself are we?".Isabella laughed "I didn't know you were here, mama said you had gone into town for a meeting about work? I'm really going to miss you, I'm sure I've said it a hundred times but it's true".

Amelia rushed forward and hugged her and Isabella thought that was another thing she would miss when she was gone. Amelia's hugs would brighten the cloudiest of days. "I will miss you too my pet, I feel as if I am losing a child" she sobbed.  Amelia had been like a second mother to her, she was there to wipe her tears when her parents argued and cared for her when she was ill, she was one of the few people she loved most in this world.

Isabella tightened her hold on Amelia saying "Don't worry we will see each other again, and if mama does find me a husband in Bath, you will be the first person at my wedding" she laughed wanting to be positive but knowing it was as unlikely as her father's charges being dropped. Amelia quickly wiped her tears and began to help Isabella dress and arrange her hair.When she was ready Amelia asked "Are you still determined to find employment then?" while shaking her head a look of bewilderment on her face at seeing a young lady determined to set her path. "Yes, wish me luck, hopefully we will both be employed by weeks' end" she smiled and quickly left her room, taking the stairs two at a time.

Arthur came bustling over just as she reached the last step "A message has just come my lady he stated handing her a piece of white paper sealed with red wax. She quickly opened the message and saw that it was from a friend of her fathers she had met but once.

Mrs and Miss Bradford,

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that Lord Bradford was imprisoned at 11:05am after his trial. Although the news was expected, it does not lessen its sorrow.

If there is anything I can help you with over the coming days please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours Sincerly,

Mr. Edward Smith.

 Isabella's heart contracted in pain and she tried to push the feeling away rationalising that she knew this would happen, it was inevitable there was no logical reason to be shocked. However the news confirmed in writing was difficult to see and she wiped away the tears forming in her eyes stating in a shaky voice "Show this to my mother Arthur, I must be away".

She had just reached the door when he called back "Miss Isabella, I will be leaving this evening to take another post as a butler in Hertfordshire, I'd like to say goodbye and wish you happiness and fortune". The tears now started to roll down her face as she faced the fact that everyone in her life was leaving, she rushed forward and threw her arms around a shocked Arthur saying "Goodbye, I will miss you more than you know, you have always been so kind to me, I wish you every hapiness dear Arthur". She smiled weakly at him and placed a kiss on his cheek before turning and leaving  without looking back. Her head was whirring and she had to leave the confides of that house.  

She walked for an hour with no idea of where she was going until she came to her senses and berated herself "Focus Isabella, you have to stay focused". Taking a deep breath she calmed herself before mumbling an explitive when she realised she was on an unfamiliar street. Asking a passing stranger for directions she eventually made her way to the newspaper printing house and composed herself once more before entering.

Her first thoughts on crossing the threshold was "This is not happening..." before her eyes connected with none other than Alexander Kingsley the Duke of Rothbury.  He stood chatting to a young gentleman and on seeing her, his eyes slowly moved to rest on her face, his expression unreadable.

To be continued...

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